Heater Placement?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
Ok, just got my first External Filter, now I can't decide where to put my heater inside my tank, it use to be right next to the powerhead opening on my Juwel corner filter, but I am puzzled as to where to locate it now (as the instructions state near to a 'turbulent' part of the tank, maybe near the water in-pipe), I thought about putting it sideways directly above my spraybar, but could this, for whatever reason, be too close to the surface of the water? Would it be better below the spraybar? Or somewhere else entirely?

Any thoughts?

Many thanks.
Without meaning to pick at your methods, must it be diagonal? I'd much rather it not be seen, but however if it's better for the fish and the heat then I'll obviously put it differently (it's now horizontal but below the spraybar, it seems to be heating OK, but if it's not in the optimum position, please advise.

Many thanks!

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