Heater Failed


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2006
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Just got back from a long weekend away to discover a failed heater trying to boil my tank, only thing to survive appears to be my blue crayfish but he is hardly moving and looking a bit sorry for himself too. What a rotten way to end a holiday.

Any advice on how to treat the Cray to try rescue him? I've lost two rather nice plecs both of wihch are around 5", my bristlenose, my red tailed shark and 15/16 barbs.
Lower the water temp with a 20% water change, dont try to lower it too quickly though as this will likely shock him more.

I know how you feel, had a heater fail too, boiled a tank full of fry, not pleasant.
I'm worried about my new heater doing this. It doesn't seem to be very stable. I can see all my eventual equipment NOT being anything that came with the tank. Filter already broke (been going 2 days) so I've now ordered a decent one (Fluval Edge).

Sorry about your fish, that must have been horrible :(
I'm worried about my new heater doing this. It doesn't seem to be very stable. I can see all my eventual equipment NOT being anything that came with the tank. Filter already broke (been going 2 days) so I've now ordered a decent one (Fluval Edge).

Sorry about your fish, that must have been horrible :(

My equipments all fluval,

He seems to be perking up now, wandering around a lot, still not really eaten yet though
i have bought one of this after reading this post..


i am going to hook up my heater plug on this thermostad and set it to 30. while my heater will be at 26.

so if heater broke and temp pass the 29 mark, my heater will cut off by this thermostat??
Oh *phew* lol. I just ordered that Fluval U2.

May need a new heater at some point. Won't get a Fluval one then. Are the Tetra ones good?
Even Jäger can boil your tank, did happen to mine years ago, lost a pair of Kribensis. But the heater was ancient (prob. 15years or so), certainly every heater breaks eventually.
I'd recommend a Rena Smartheater.
Has an instant cut off for these types of things.
I've got one in every tank, rather pricey but bloody good.

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