Heater Accuracy


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Southern England
Hi All

Got a set of Visitherm heaters second hand recently (this is probably going to serve me right for buying second hand)

I've placed the lowest wattage one (75w) in my tank (31 L) and have found that it heats the water - just a little too well. Setting the temperature slider to 75F after a water change heated the water in the end to just under 90F. Twiddling the knob to bring the desired temperature setting down to 70F had the effect of the light going off - so the stat can't be completely broken? The temperature has sat at around 80F (roughly room temperature) since.

I didn't get any instructions with the heaters, so I may just have cocked up setting it up.

This is my first tank, and there aren't any fish in it yet before you worry :p

Knew I should have just forked out for a kit :X
Heater is broken. Thermostat must be sticking or has been knocked around alot. Visetherm heaters are usually right on, I have three now and had a fourth that an oscar decided to eat, anyway these are all accurate, keeps temp exact. Set dial to 78, thermometer reads 78, had these results with all four.

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