

I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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:/ I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked in one of my tanks this morning :-( I had two dead bumblebee gobies and my little puffer had also passed away. :byebye: I have no idea what caused it! :no: Water perimeters were fine, and nothing changed in the tank. That little puffer was the best...I had her for over two years. My other bbg seems real depressed now that her two buddies are gone...I'd like to get her two more friends, but I know I better figure out what happened first, so I don't loose them too.

I'd like to get another (or two) dwarf puffers, but I'm affraid I won't find ones that got along with my molly and platy as well as she did.

I guess I don't have any real questions...just venting...
Sorry to hear this Dix.....but if I were you I would do a really good water change just to make sure something didn't some how get into the tank. Maybe this will help save the last little Goby.
Aww. I'm sorry to hear that, dixaisy. Is there any way something could have gotten into the tank? Air freshener or any sort of spray... lotion or perfume on hands... anything? If your water params are testing well, there has to be something else that happened to lose three fish all at once. I hope somebody can help you figure out your little mystery. :/
Yep, already did a big water change just to be on the safe side. I don't think anything could have gotten in the water...also wash my hands, and rinse really well before my hands go in there (which isn't very often), and I don't use any air fresheners in the room because the tank is in there. The other three fish (a female molly and male platy and the lone bbg) show no signs of parasite, disease or the like.

I guess I can look on the bright side...in a few weeks, I can get a few more fish (if the others are still doing ok). ;)
was there a blip in the power over night or anything? maybe the heater and filter were off and it was just too long for them? i'm so sorry to hear that, especially since it was you and your bbgs that inspired me to get some with my puffers :( . maybe it was something in the food, feeding anything new or a new batch of what you usually use?

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