Fish Addict
I dont know what I am doing wrong. I've kept corys without a problem for over 6 months. Now I cant keep them alive. I know its not that they're coming sick from the store because I've bought them from 3 different stores including my fav lfs where I know they take care of their fish and have healthy fish (if not healthy, they tell you and refuse to sell them to you). They're dying one by one and I dont know what to do. I thought at one time that something was wrong with the gravel (since I have so many other fish in the same tank that are perfectly healthy) so I took all my fish out and all the decorations and most of the water and sifted the gravel thoroughly with my fingers, cleaned the decor and glass and plants. All the water specs are fine. I thought it might be the heat since its summer here but I lowered the heater setting and the water is not too warm...still nothing. I love corys and I definitely want them to be part of my tank but I am becoming very heart broken over this. I really love corys. I dont know what else to do. Has anyone encountered this problem? I posted about this a while back too so this is like an update.