Heart Break


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
I injured one of my fry :-( I was doing a water change as usual (twice a day) trying my hardest to avoid all the babies with my airline tubing and then....blooop, one was sucked up but I wasn't sure so I just kept on syphoning...well, there he was in the bucket so I scooped him out and put him back in the tank and went to get their breakfast. I came back and peeked in and it was really easy to tell which one went on the wild ride :-( he had red bruises all over him and he looked disoriented :-( so I removed him and put him in some bettamax :/ You guys keep your fingers crossed for the little guy.
That's to bad:( I hope he survives for you, how old is the batch he's from? I once accidently crushed a guppy fry with a net, he had no chance of surviving so he went to my Angels.

Just terrible, I feel so bad. The batch is 6 weeks old, going on 7 so they're pretty well formed...but still small enough to fit in that damn tube :X
I was just talking to him, he still seems dazed but looks much perkier than he did right after it happened. His side looks like it was rubbed raw though, the tube was probably a tight squeeze :X And here I am without any silver, I used the last of it a couple of days ago. I gotta run out to the health food store :/
that's really really unlucky.

Hope he recovers.
Thanks for your well wishes you guys, I'll pass them on to him :)

Uh-oh...looks like I found a new favorite fry,he better get well and not let me down :wub:
Ugh!!! I am so sorry to hear that....I have only ever done that once....with a ram....didn't go well at all. That was with the python though, so alot more pressure....

Best wishes wuv! :D He's tough and will pull through! :flex:
Thanks,Chris...'a lot more pressure' is exactly what's to blame here (besides myself)...I usually set the bucket that I syphon into ON the desk so it just barely sucks, well today was the first day that I set it on the floor and it was much more powerful :X

Uggh, it looks like it almost tore him in half, I hate to say it but I wish it would have just killed him instantly :/
Dang, at that age he should be smart enought to avoid the vacuum, Lol. Time to send him back to "get out of the way of the suction thing" class. Hope he gets better, you'll be spoiling him rotten now, hehe.

Well he's looking much better today,thanks you guys :thumbs: He seems to want to go back in the tank with his siblings now, I'm still worried that he'll get bullied around though, he seems so tender -_-

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