Heard Of It


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2006
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i have a spotted pictus cat and it is in my 20g for now but my lfs told me that they only get 5 inches is this true. and waht else do they eat then flakes and carnivoe pellets.

i have a spotted pictus cat and it is in my 20g for now but my lfs told me that they only get 5 inches is this true. and waht else do they eat then flakes and carnivoe pellets.

yerp only 5 inch's. never kept them but they are omnivores
k thanks, so its almost full grown and do you think it will be fine to but him in my 10g alone

No, firstly pictus cats need a minimum of a 36x12" footprint to their tank (usually around 30 gallons) and secondly they are schooling fish which need to be kept with at least 2 more of their own kind. They are fast moving active fish that must have space to swim.


never kept them but they are omnivores

actually they are carnivors which feed on smaller fish and invertabrates, if they were omnivors then they would take some plant matter in their diet but they do not.
k, thanks ill move it into my 55 and add a friend or 2
i had a pictus on its own and it did very little so i added another and after a short while they started to get on and now they swim about together all the time.
very active and a bit scary for the other fish when they feed as they are abit hectic! love bloodworm!
1 is aout 5" and the other is slightly smaller
mines friends with a sailfin plec- best of buddies the pim follows the sailfin everywhere

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