Health Question


New Member
Nov 1, 2005
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Right, well, I think but betta has fin rot but it seems the BettaFix I bought isn't helping, he's doesn't get better. What can I do???
here are some of the syptoms, just in case:

Does not eat at all or eats reluctantly and may spit out his food
Is not active. stays at the surface in a corner.
Tail and fins are clumped, closed, look like they're falling apart
Start changing the water at least daily. If necessary, put him in a smaller tank so he can be near and easy to do frequent changes. Well this is my first response. Some one with a better med experience/track record may come along.

When there is a bacterial infection, frequent changes will reduce the bacterial load in the water. Which medical treatment you use, I will leave up to someone else. It sounds as though it has progressed to an advanced stage if he is hiding and not eating and the fins are shredding. There are a variety of medications for use on bacterial infections. I am poor on that subject, if it has passed the salt/BettaFix stage.
"At least one or two gallons" is a little worrisome, as you need to know the exact gallonage to dose dechlorinator, and the bettafix you've been using. Could you find out the precise gallonage?
When a fish has fin rot, once a week is not sufficient - though it is noteworthy that in a 1g bowl, once a week isn't usually sufficient anyways. Start cleaning your boy every other day, or even daily if needed, while his fins heal. And, it may benefit him to add a medicinal dose of aquarium salt (as directed on the box).
Honestly, the combination of inactivity, spitting out food, and rotting fins may suggest a more profound disease state that would require anti-biotics. Unfortunately, most anti-biotics are tricky to dose for such a small tank, so please do find out the precise gallonage as I can help suggest methods to convert pills and powders meant for 10g tanks into liquids suitable for 1g tanks.
Yes you do need to be doing more regular changes as others have said. Unfortunately in an unfiltered bowl doing 100% changes is pretty stressful to the fish as you have to get them out. This is one of the reason's I say always use a filter. Keeps water quality better as a general rule and reduces stress on fish both day to day and when treating and doing water changes.

A bit more info about the size of the tank, how long this has been going on, and water stats would be helpful for further advise.

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