he wont eat


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2004
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he ownt e3at anything but a little bit off of some freeze dired bloodworms, he wont eat the kikari bio gold pellets, and the only time he eats the bloodworms is when we would blow on the water to make them seem alive? any suggestions.
also, im not in a good location to get live food quick.
i just got him i few days ago, i figured he wasnt eating the first few days because he was just getting used to geing here, but now im getting worried
Is he active or does he stay on the bottom hiding?

IME When I get a new betta they usually won't eat for the first 2-4 days. Then after that they eat a little and it's not till a week till they start eating like piggies
ok, that makes sense then, he is very active, bubblenesting and stiff, its probably just still getting used to being here
its been over a week now and im gettin worried, he wont eat a thing, il get some pics after school and seee if any1 can see something wrong, he doesnt look sick, he is happily swimming around.
Usually you'll find that you may have to give the food a couple of days before the betta will eat it. If after a few days and they still won't eat then try something different. Have you tried any flakes, frozen/live bloodworms, frozen/live brine shrimp, frozen/live daphnia etc? It may be because he's not accustomed to eating what you're trying to feed, in which case, try many varieties of food.
Yeah I had a similar problem with one of mine. He didn't eat for like an entire week and I was so afraid he was gonna get sick. So I bought some food (tetra tropical vibrant blend or something) and I realized they were flakes (the food I've been giving is those smal round pellets) and though "oh no!" Tried them out on a few of the bettas and they didn't like them. Then had the idea of trying them on the one that didn't eat and VOILA! He munched them down. He didn't know what pellets were but man does he love his flakes! :nod:
thats like mine but mine chokes on hbh pellets so i have found that he eats the baby hbh pellets. maybe hes just tiny and afraid of choking on it
ok, fourplay, he is only 3 months old so i tried it, he didnt eat them but they subk down quicker, and he went after them, maybe he will only eat live food that he can hunt :shifty:
If you can get some frozen food such as bloodworms or brineshrimp that may help. When you thaw them out before dropping them in, they fall down the water column and they look more alive, unlike the freeze dried which tends to do more floating :thumbs:
The frozen food has a greater smell to it. It helps them to decide to try a bite and see.
ok, all i have are some pellets, the only lfs here cant get frozen any thing here, it takes 3 days delivery just to get all her other stuff, stupid backcountry, and the only other stores are an hour away, and all that is is a petsmoart, wich probably wont have them, so to get frozen i would have to go to boise, grrrrrrrrrrrr, my fish will probably die if he doesnt eat :-( how long can they go without food?
My petsmart carries great frozen foods. Call them and ask if they carry frozen bloodworms (or whatever) at yours, I bet they do have them!
i guees they might but, thats an hour away, and we wont go if we dont really have to do other stuff, we only go once or twice a month, maybe i can persuade my dad to go, i wish the fush came sooner, my mom just went before he came

edit-my dad just went up to the lfs and got some sort of flake food for the betta

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