Fish Addict
I noticed today while cleaning Cloud's tank (who, by the way is being dorkish today) that he has a tiny scratch on his head. It doesn't look like it is much more than a surface scratch though. I'm guessing it's from when he sucessfully wedged himself in the castle in his tank and I had to "help" him get out (read that: I poked his tail and he swam out) Do you think I should put a lil melafix in there? IF I do... will it bother the 3 snail buddies in his tank? They are his algae control.
Now- lil story about him being dorkish. I changed everyone's water today (the fry tank, the 75 gallon and Cloud's 10 gallon). I was worried about the snail in Cloud's tank who enjoys sitting at the water line because he wasn't letting go of the side when the water drained out under him... so I ran to get the bucket to refill the tank. As I was pouring Cloud kept getting in the way of the water.... now, with the mollies in the 75 gallon tank I laugh... but with Cloud his fins kept being pushed by the current of the water I was pouring (which wasn't fast at all, but enough to put him around a little) and he would flare at me and not move. So I'd move the bucket and here he would come again... same thing: get caught in the current, stare at me and flare. It took me 10 mins to fill up just 2.5 liters of water in his tank today!! He's currently loving up on his heater again, but geez... you'd think he'd get out of the way if he didn't like the water- don't you?
Now- lil story about him being dorkish. I changed everyone's water today (the fry tank, the 75 gallon and Cloud's 10 gallon). I was worried about the snail in Cloud's tank who enjoys sitting at the water line because he wasn't letting go of the side when the water drained out under him... so I ran to get the bucket to refill the tank. As I was pouring Cloud kept getting in the way of the water.... now, with the mollies in the 75 gallon tank I laugh... but with Cloud his fins kept being pushed by the current of the water I was pouring (which wasn't fast at all, but enough to put him around a little) and he would flare at me and not move. So I'd move the bucket and here he would come again... same thing: get caught in the current, stare at me and flare. It took me 10 mins to fill up just 2.5 liters of water in his tank today!! He's currently loving up on his heater again, but geez... you'd think he'd get out of the way if he didn't like the water- don't you?