He just died!


Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
I just looked up at one of my new male crown tails, and he's dead! (This isn't the one with the white stuff around his gills in the other post I made. That's my wifes viel tail.) He was fine an hour ago. No symptoms of any kind at all! Nothing! I just got a bright light and shone it on him. One of his eyes is white and cloudy. The other is clear. That's all I see wrong with him. Wait, I just looked again, and the side of his face with the white eye looks........... weird. I don't know how to explain it. It's just.......... not right.... It wasn't like that before. I examine all my new fish closely the first couple weeks to keep a watch for diseases. Anybody know what could have happened?
I'm sorry that I don't know what to tell you could've been wrong with your betta, but I'm sorry that he passed away. Sorry for you loss... wow, that's a lot of sorries...
Hey, don't feel bad. I set up a 5 gal tank with seperate quarters for the three of them. Did my faithfully water changes, temp stable, water testing right on. Two of my male are now dead, the just slowly stopped eating and withered away.

For the record, I have neve been able to keep any type of male betta for more than 5 months. I am not convinced that we get all the left over garbage sent here. They are old when they get here and live for 5 months :(

I have one left, my guy in the avatar is in my community tank doing just great. I have to hand feed him which I don't mind so the other fish don't beat him to it. He seems very happy and healthy. Have to see how long he lives now.

I love bettas so much but will not spend anymore money on them. Living in Canada here it is very costly to have them brought into you. I don't breed but love the look of them so if I want a betta I will just have to take the chance and buy only one.

Sorry to hear about your loss, it is frusterating i know. One minute they are fine the next minute wapp.


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