He Is Not Very Well! Help!


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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My new betta is still very quiet, sitting at bottom of tank, breathing quite fast. hardly moving. no signs of anything, water is ok. Any ideas please! :(
I'm afriad we're going to need more info to help.
- Tank Size
- Tank Temp
- Water Stats
- Diet
- Any other symptoms? (ie. paleness, red gills, parasites, etc.)
- How new is this fish?
- How long did you acclimate for?
- What brand of dechlor do you use?
- Any other water additives?
- Any aerosols, air fresheners, etc. used in the room?
I'm afriad we're going to need more info to help.
- Tank Size
- Tank Temp
- Water Stats
- Diet
- Any other symptoms? (ie. paleness, red gills, parasites, etc.)
- How new is this fish?
- How long did you acclimate for?
- What brand of dechlor do you use?
- Any other water additives?
- Any aerosols, air fresheners, etc. used in the room?
size 2 gals, temp 78 stats are normal he ate a snail this morning! flakes, refused bloodworms and peas. no symptoms, very new less than a week, acclimatised for an hour so water temps were same, API stress coat tap and water conditioner. no scent things used all other bettas in tanks in same row are fine and all had same water changes today. sitting on bottom still...he has never attempted a bubble nest yet thats odd. any ideas?
Is he at all pale or bloated? Flakes have a tendancy to cause constipation, which may explain why he is now refusing food and not acting well. Have you seen any bowel movements lately?
no thinking about it I havent. but he has refused to eat a pea...trouble is I am making his tank mucky again trying to give him bits!
need to go to bed. new boy is not looking at all well. fingers crossed but he might not be here tomorrow and there is nothing obvious that is the maddening thing!
If the water is getting gross from trying to feed, it'd be better to give him a good cleaning and not feed for a few days to see if he passes bowel or looks better. Bettas can go a good while without eating, so I wouldn't worry about trying to feed him when he isn't hungry.
Good luck with the little lad; hope he pulls through!
I agree w/ RW. I have found that Betta often get a little constipated, when they first come home, if they are fed really well. I have had my best luck, if I feed them some pea for their first meal. I have lost some new Betta from constipation, I think, more than once. They come in hungry, I overfeed them, they get constipated. By the time I figure it out, they have lost their appitite, and they won't eat the pea. :unsure:
he doesnt look constipated. might try changing his water. thanks for caring. :*
Maybe he's acclimatising to the different water conditions Liz as you say you bought him on holidays. Just a thought. Good suggstions already so I hope he pulls through for you :D
He is swimming about now...darent feed him...he can see Jobys 2 boys..just watching them not flaring...so perhaps he might cheer up now.

ps he is watching the snails go round his tank again..these are too big to eat..I am sure he ate that baby one yesterday. he is definitely a bit perkier. I didnt realise how small he is compared to my veil tails, is it because he is a crown tail?
Glad to hear he's feeling better! Probably just needed some time to settle in.
I don't think being a CT would affect his size; perhaps he is just young?
Bless looking at the others I think he is only young. I am going to call him Echo, panic now over I hope. :lol:

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