Fish Aficionado
My new betta is still very quiet, sitting at bottom of tank, breathing quite fast. hardly moving. no signs of anything, water is ok. Any ideas please! 
size 2 gals, temp 78 stats are normal he ate a snail this morning! flakes, refused bloodworms and peas. no symptoms, very new less than a week, acclimatised for an hour so water temps were same, API stress coat tap and water conditioner. no scent things used all other bettas in tanks in same row are fine and all had same water changes today. sitting on bottom still...he has never attempted a bubble nest yet thats odd. any ideas?I'm afriad we're going to need more info to help.
- Tank Size
- Tank Temp
- Water Stats
- Diet
- Any other symptoms? (ie. paleness, red gills, parasites, etc.)
- How new is this fish?
- How long did you acclimate for?
- What brand of dechlor do you use?
- Any other water additives?
- Any aerosols, air fresheners, etc. used in the room?