He had "buy me" written all over him


New Member
Jul 24, 2005
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I dropped by the local fish store today, and for $3.99 I brought him home. I have a weak spot for plakats and double tails. And when both are found on one betta, one would have to pry "my dead cold fingers" from the poly-bag before I would let him go.

:drool: :drool:

I've been looking at a DTPKs on aquabid for a loooong time. I almost bought one a few nights ago :*)

They are like the best fish ever :hyper:
Oh my gosh, DT PLAKATS!!!! I am so with you, plakat and dt all the way!!! :D
Last week I saw an Red DT PK....I regret not buying him...so this weekend when I head home, I am gonna check out that LFS and see if he is still around. If he is...WOO HOOO!!! HES ALL MINE!
I got two DT plakats from the petstore. The other guy is steel blue, but he is A.D.D. and wouldn't hold still for the camera.
Wow, he's a beauty! DT plakat are the best :drool:

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