He Came Out Of Hiding :-)


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
I hardly ever see my pleco, I guess there's too many yummy spots for him to hide. Anyways, he came out yesterday during the day - just long enough for 4 pix, the swam off again :)

this is his actual size... or pretty close to it:



aaaawww he's cute. Not sure about the castle but he seems to like it.lol :D
edit: how bigs the tank and what are his tankmates? just being curious.
The tank is 75 gallons, his tank mates are: 7 mollies (2 males, 5 female), 6 buenos aires tetras, 6 pristella tetras, 6 zebra danios, molly fry
:drool: ohh boy, i cant wait for my sailfin and common to get bigger

i prefer big pleco's but watching them grow is the best part :)
don't think so. i'm not 100% sure though. some of said he was common, others had other ideas. i can't get a decent picture to tell for sure.
once i saw those pics they screemed common pleco. looks just like mine does. even down to the dull greyish bown spots along the sides and back. great fish, very beautiful!
Yep it's a common plec, mine is about 6 inches now and struggles to get into his cave, but if you put some courgette slices in the tank you will see him all the time, mine just loves it and fights of the cory's and gourami's for it.
Yep it's a common plec, mine is about 6 inches now and struggles to get into his cave, but if you put some courgette slices in the tank you will see him all the time, mine just loves it and fights of the cory's and gourami's for it.

It's a sailfin plec, not a common. They do have similar requirements though, although sailfins do grow bigger.
Yeah, he's defnitely a gibby, not a "common". they don't get *quite* as big as commons - 18" is about the norm. Commons (liposarcus) can get a bit bigger.

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