Hawk Fish and Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2005
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Well, I thought I would share my misfortune to keep others from possibly making the same mistake.

I decided to try a cleaner shrimp in my tank with my Falco's Hawkfish yesterday. Immediately when I put the shrimp in, the Hawkfish was darting at it. It found refuge on the powerhead and magfloat high in the tank for a while, but when I was going to bed I noticed that it was down on the rocks. When I woke up this morning, the shrimp was lying dead in a cave and the Hawkfish was nipping at it. :byebye: When I got the shrimp out, he had been bitten at very badly in the stomach region, so I am assuming the Hawkfish finally got to him. I can't be certain that the shrimp hadn't died from other causes, but knowing that Hawkfish have a reputation for picking on shrimp, I am guessing this was the cause. Just wanted to share in case anyone is considering trying it.
Sorry to hear about your experience... but it was expected, right? Everything I've read about Hawkfish says that they eat small fish and snails. How big are your clowns? Are they more than 1 inch yet, or still very small? That might be something to think about. Hawkfish seem like cool fish, but be careful with them! Good luck from here on out!
Well, to be honest, I should have done more research on Hawkfish before I got one. This was my one impulse buy. I am debating seeing if the LFS will take him back. I really love the fish but I don't want him hurting others in the tank. My clowns are about 1 inch right now, and I haven't seen any nipping at their fins yet, but that doesn't mean I won't. Thanks for the advice!
Well, it seems as though you are in the right state of mind about this. I think that might have to chose between keeping the hawkfish or keeping the rest of your live stock. Although I have not kept a hawkfish myself, from hearing about their agression level, I would imagine that 30 gallons would be too small to keep them in a "community" tank. If I wanted to keep a hawkfish in a 29 gallon... I would do my research and find out what fish they are peaceful with. Of course, your options are limited due to tank volume restrictions.

My recommendation... Get rid of the hawkfish and swap it for a fish you know will thrive in your tank.

Keep us updated on your decision!
ESS17..Hawkfish are known to be troublesome in the nano tank. Try going to Liveaquaria.com and check out their compatibility chart:


It would have immediately shown you that Hawkfish and inverts are of questionable compatibility. Just a friendly comment, SW tanks won't take the insults that FW can...and deaths in the tank can upset your system. This hobby will hurt you in the wallet quickly. Navarre is really great for recommendations....I'm sure he'd be more than glad to help you. He helped me decide on a sixline wrasse and I can't tell you how beautiful and graceful it is. This animal is the centerpiece of my tank. Good luck. SH
Thanks for all of the advice. I know I screwed up by not researching it ahead of time. I talked to my guy at the LFS last night and he is more than willing to take the hawkfish back and already has a new home for him. I hate the idea of taking a fish back, but I think it is best. Maybe later on when I upgrade to a bigger tank I can add another hawkfish. They are amazing fish and a treat to watch. Too bad they think shrimp are tasty snacks :-(

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