Well, I thought I would share my misfortune to keep others from possibly making the same mistake.
I decided to try a cleaner shrimp in my tank with my Falco's Hawkfish yesterday. Immediately when I put the shrimp in, the Hawkfish was darting at it. It found refuge on the powerhead and magfloat high in the tank for a while, but when I was going to bed I noticed that it was down on the rocks. When I woke up this morning, the shrimp was lying dead in a cave and the Hawkfish was nipping at it. When I got the shrimp out, he had been bitten at very badly in the stomach region, so I am assuming the Hawkfish finally got to him. I can't be certain that the shrimp hadn't died from other causes, but knowing that Hawkfish have a reputation for picking on shrimp, I am guessing this was the cause. Just wanted to share in case anyone is considering trying it.
I decided to try a cleaner shrimp in my tank with my Falco's Hawkfish yesterday. Immediately when I put the shrimp in, the Hawkfish was darting at it. It found refuge on the powerhead and magfloat high in the tank for a while, but when I was going to bed I noticed that it was down on the rocks. When I woke up this morning, the shrimp was lying dead in a cave and the Hawkfish was nipping at it. When I got the shrimp out, he had been bitten at very badly in the stomach region, so I am assuming the Hawkfish finally got to him. I can't be certain that the shrimp hadn't died from other causes, but knowing that Hawkfish have a reputation for picking on shrimp, I am guessing this was the cause. Just wanted to share in case anyone is considering trying it.