Having trouble with my angel fish.

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Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2004
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Alright i just put 4 angels into a 55 gallon tank and they have been in the tank for 3 days now. 3 out of the 4 are active and eats when i feed them. today is the 3 day 8/31/04 and all of a suddenly i see one of the angels tails starting to disappear, wat is causing this a disease or other fish. and another angel is not eating it just hides but will come out every now n then is it still getting used to the water. I brought a water sample with me to the pet store n they tested it saying everything was fine for the angels.I have 3 bala sharks, 3tiger barbs, and 3 tetras, n 2 plecos in the tank. thanx for ur help.
Next time you go to your LFS to get your water tested, get them to tell you the values of what they test for.

I think your barbs could be a problem. They are nippy little fish that most likely have nipped at your angelfish. If you have another tank it would be a good idea to separate them. In the meantime, if you have some stresscoat that may help.

I had the same prob with my angels, and it turned out to be tail & fin rot. Have a closer look to see if there is any fuzzy stuff developing (fungi).
Oh and about the white fuzzy stuff. i saw a piece of white string on the tail n it looks like a wormn it appears to be bigger than it was last night.
1 of my angels just died :( today it wasnt the one with fin rot either. should i change the water to try to save the other angels. thanx for ur help
Sorry to hear your news. Stress from the move (or bullying) might be a contributing factor to consider, even if your water parameters are good, but then it appears your LFS did not advise what they tested for.

Did you get a photo of the "worm"?

I agree with a water change, but it is also important to identify what is causing the problem. If it is a parasite, or fin rot, you will also need to medicate accordingly. Whilst you are investigating the cause, it might be worth dosing the tank with Melafix in the meantime.

I agree re the Tiger Barbs, too. They are notorious fin nippers, especially if kept in small schools in a tank with long finned fish. If the school is 6 or more, they tend to chase each other, rather than terrorise their tank mates. If you are reluctant to return either the angels or the barbs, consider upping the number of barbs.

Getting your own master test kit, specifically for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and PH at least, is a valuable investment.

Good luck!
Thanx. i called the lfs up today n they said if my angel had fin rot that all the fishes in the tank would have it too. it seems to me that it is the only one the other 2 remaining angels are fin.
Did your LFS actually diagnose fin rot, or are we still guessing? It is early days yet, but if your others do not suffer the same symptoms in the next couple of days, then you need to find out what else it could be...in fact you should be considering alternative possibilities and treatments anyway, since you already have a fish suffering and it needs attention.

Re the master test kit, I paid about £25 for mine, so it sounds about right, and yes, it is worth it. At least then you know, and it saves you the hassle of travelling to your LFS unless you have readings you particularly need help with. I test my tank weekly, the master test kit I use (Aquariam Pharmaceuticals Freshwater Master Kit) has about 700 tests (in total), for high and lower range PH, Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. I consider that kit at least a good six months supply, if not more (depending on the maturity of your tank) Break that cost down, and it is minimal for the peace of mind it buys...and also the potential disasters it could avert :)
alright thanx alot for ur input i really appreciate it. when i called the lfs they said its most likely the tiger barbs so i will take them out immediately and i will go up to the lfs to get the master kit in a little bit.
I bought a test kit today and My PH level is neutral and the Ammonia level is 0ppm. Can fin rot cause my angels to die and can i cure it by just changing the water and adding stress coat? thank u again.

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