Having trouble finding these Koi...


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
There are some super cool looking types of Koi I want to get when we install the pond.


Gin Rin Ochiba Shigure

Gin Rin Matsukawabake


Doistu Hariwake

Tancho Showa

If anyone can find places I can find these, to buy, thanks.
Kinda high? I'll keep with liveaquaria, they still have some nice ones. but nice Koi, to high priced for me though.
Your best bet is to find a local breeder. Do you have a local aquarium club or water garden club? If not you may go to a local lfs and ask how they get thier fish and if you can custom order anything through their supplier. I have never seen a few of your pics though so the more exotics may be harder to come by or more expensive.
Talking about the high prices. A guy I knew got a baby koi for £400, but now its worth £4000 :blink:

I think for some of those types you would need to import from Japan or Israel (apparently they got loads of fish farms there)

Oh and that Kumonryu looks awesome :drool:
Surely the black and white koi is just a Shiro Utsuri? They're reasonably common aren't they, unless the one you're pointing out particularly doesn't have Sumi on their face...
check out e-bay theres a couple of dealers normaly have koi on there with next day shipping ,buy small and grow them on

oops just noticed your in the US these guys are UK
asagi, shusui and doitsu hariwake are farely common to turn up in batches at your LFS.

in the UK Shusui have been common as muck this year with each order we did about 5 turned up being shusui there's been a fair ammount of asagi in larger sizes and plentyfula ammounts of doitsu hariwake.

the others you will just have to learn how to recognise them well in a batch or pay out for 1 from a a specific breeder.

nest thing is to go in some shops and just pick out some colours you like. it's all very well makking a list of the koi you want but if your not willing to pay for them you won't get!.
Fella said:
Surely the black and white koi is just a Shiro Utsuri? They're reasonably common aren't they, unless the one you're pointing out particularly doesn't have Sumi on their face...
Nope, it's a Kumonryu. Use google search.
oppositearmor said:
Fella said:
Surely the black and white koi is just a Shiro Utsuri? They're reasonably common aren't they, unless the one you're pointing out particularly doesn't have Sumi on their face...
Nope, it's a Kumonryu. Use google search.


This is a shiro utsuri I found on google search. Not a million miles away from the kumonryu?


And this is a kumonryu from google search.

the kumonryu is the same in my book as you have fella. the shiro utsuri has contrasting areas.
asagi, shusui and doitsu hariwake are common and fairly cheap depending on the quaality the higher the quality the highe the price !, i'm sure you will have a specialist koi seller in your area we have 7 !
Matsukawabake are basically fully scaled kumonryu. The difference between these and an utsuri (assuming the sumi is like an utsuri the one above is a very typical kumonryu and you wouldn't buy that as an utsuri if you were comparing but when they're wagoi it more common to see utsuri or bekko like sumi) is that color on them changes when the temperature changes. They will look like an utsuri in summer and turn almost or completely white in the winter months. Cool fish I had a long finned matsukawabake but it was an accidental good pick.

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