Having issues with cycling the tank.


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2022
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Hereford UK
Have a fairly planted 110Ltank, (Bacopa amplxiculis, Rotala indica red, Java Fern, Java Moss, salvinia) been doing water tests and changes every day for about 3 weeks now.

The Amonia was always spiking each day but the last 3 days have been 0 now the Nitrite and nitrate highest they have been yet. 4.0 Nitrite and Nitrate 40 ppm. Is the tank starting to cycle?  How much water should.i been changing? I've had suggestions from others to stop changing water and let nature (the plants) do there job and remove the nitrate?


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Are there fish in the tank?

If there are no fish, water changes are not needed.

But if there are fish, nitrite at 4 is dangerous. Either do water changes to keep nitrite at zero, or add salt following the instructions here
Hello ORFT. Remove and replace at least half the water every two to three days. When you perform a water change, dose the standard water treatment and bacteria starter according to instructions. The water change will dilute the nitrogen to a safe level for whatever you have in the tank and the bacteria starter will establish and replenish the bacteria colony.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Are you adding ammonia of some sort? To get nitrite and nitrate readings this high, presumably you are. Don't. The plants will deal with cycling. And I see some small fish in the tank in the photo.

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