Having a random conversation and wondered.....


Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I was juat talking to ChriX on msn and he asked what I thought blood worms taste like, so I was just wondering has anyone ever tasted one out of curiosity or are you willing to, just to tell us what theyre like????
I am so allergic to them that when I feed bloodworms I have to wear gloves and a mask and I drop them in with tweezers...so count me out on this one!
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww :sick: they smell bad enough, don't even want to think about what they taste like :lol: but my fish go crazy so i guess they find them pretty darn tasty. i'll just take their word on it though.........
but if you or chrix decide you really must find out, do let us know :sick: :lol:
they smell bad - so i guess they taste bad....
Not so with Durian fruit. They smell bad but taste good.

Bloodworms taste like chicken.
I'm not sure, I'm allergic to brine shrimp too and have to go through the same precautions- I look like I'm going into surgery! When I was in high school I went into anaphalactic (sp) shock after feeding frozen bloodworms, freezedried ones don't get me as bad, so i stick to that and just pop a bendadryl right before I feed. LOL i like my fish too much :D
Itty Bitty Betta, is that a definite answer or an educated guess???

and Sorrell, are you allergic to a lot of stuff or is someone just trying to give u a hint not to keep fish?? :blink:
What doesn't kill me makes my fish stronger.
I'm allergic to mustard, mintplant, and shellfish. I'm guessing the shellfish is what does it with brine shirmp, but I can feed krill with no problem so who knows. I just take precautions and everybody's happy. I do have to admit though that on certain nights I've told my husband, "I'm feeding bloodworms and then going to bed so come check on me in like 20 minutes" :lol:

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