Haven't Been On In Awhile...2 Betta Deaths


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I haven't been to the forum in awhile, but for anyone who remembers, I had a blind betta. His name was Puck.


He jumped from a tiny hole in his 10 gallon near where the filter is and I found him dried up behind my stereo. I put him in a clean bucket of water and added stress coat and a little salt. He wasn't breathing very much and I was really worried. About an hour later his breathing sped up. He swam around a little but then the next day he died. I burried him at the beach.

A week later Puck's tank mate, Deiter, died. He died from dropsy. I could tell he was starting to get dropsy and I treated him with maracyn 1 and 2. He didn't make it. :no:

Angus and Cotton Candy are very healthy though which is a good thing. I just re-did their tanks today. I changed Angus's tank to sand and Cotton Candy's tank to large black river stones. They seem to enjoy their new substrates. :D

Angus is in a hexagonal tank that holds about 6 or 7 gallons of water. I find him just sitting around the tank looking bored. Is there anything I can add into his tank? I was thinking maybe an african dwarf frog or two? I heard they like to be in groups. Would two be fine in a tank like Angus's?

Cotton Candy is in his own 10 gallon. Any ideas what to put in there?
awww,I'm sorry Raechal, I saw you're getting rid of your big tank, too :/
I wish I was closer, I'd take it off your hands in a heartbeat.

I burried him at the beach.
awww,I'm sorry Raechal, I saw you're getting rid of your big tank, too :/
I wish I was closer, I'd take it off your hands in a heartbeat.

I burried him at the beach.

Yea, I just don't have the time for such a large tank anymore. I think I'd be happier with my two boys and that's it.

I do have a 55 gallon as well I'm not using...maybe I'll keep that just in case I decide to start a tank again.
I was going to say....be careful because I see you being active on the board, you'll get rid of your tank and be hooked again! TFF's notoriously good at doing that. B)
I was going to say....be careful because I see you being active on the board, you'll get rid of your tank and be hooked again! TFF's notoriously good at doing that. B)

Yea, now I'm not so sure of selling it...although I know it would be the best thing to do for my fish.

Atleast I'll have my betta boys.

Maybe if I get bored and have a craving for a new fish...I'll go to walmart or something and pick up a sickly one there. :/

I am sorry to hear about Puck and Deiter.

I do remember Puck. Deiter too.
I sure do miss them. I feel weird only having 2 bettas.

Oh man...being active on the forum again has made me get the urge to buy another betta...maybe even 2 or 3 more. :drool:

I don't know what I am going to do when Angus dies. He's probably close to 3 years old now. He's my favorite fish. I'm going to get a tattoo of him for my 18th birthday. :D

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