I think that is a good point you make. These people make the fish seem so cheap. Not once (I read the ENTIRE site) did they appear to have even the slightest concern or respect for the fish. They talked about them like they were a product, a plastic G.I. Joe, rather than a living being.
I've heard of people losing their houses, wives, families, everything they owned over betta fighting in these other countries, so obviously there is a bit more passion involved. I realize there is probably a completely different level of respect, but I still do not like the element of exploitation of safety. Perhaps if there were some way to give protection so the bettas wouldn't get so torn up. I just envision it as no-gloves boxing or even knife fighting, the fighters leaving with open wounds or death. Just too nasty for my tastes, and I feel bad for the injured.
Also, here in America, the instances of betta fights are generally horrible conditions. I knew two guys who bought like 5 bettas, let them all fight, and when they were done with their little fun, they left them in a sink filled with chlorinated tap water, with no food, until they ate eachother and inevitably all died. Then I'm always hearing about Wal-Mart bettas being dumped into 1 cup to kill eachother. Just more circumstances that make me feel frustrated with humanity's flagrant disregard for animal rights. By the way I'm not comparing these instances to Thai betta fights, by any means.
Sheesh I'm so long winded I can't believe people read anything I say!
One last thing, though...
i find the history interesting (conditioning techniques, fighting styles etc)
I agree, I read as much as I could about them, from care to history, before I ever purchased one. Their nature is one of the most fascinating things about them, which is exemplified by their cultural impact on the people that live around their natural habitat. Pretty cool for such a small fish to make such a large splash. Someday I might purchase one of those fighter fish to own as a pet. I kind of like the smaller tight finned look. I know you are real into original strains, who have the smaller fins as well. There's no way to pick one of those up though, is there?