Have You Ever?


Sep 21, 2005
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Not household pet as such but was sitting in my living room watching fish tank yesterday afternoon & a robin fly into the house through the french doors, through the kitchen, landed onto the fishtank, which is next to the kitchen door, & procedded to hop around the top of the tank pecking at the wood & then flew back out again....

Me & the missus were gobsmacked. I know their brave little birds but this one takes the biscuit.
My parents have one that follows them round the garden and into the house very friendly chap who won't leave them alone and they have to shoo him out. they think maybe one of the neighbours has been hand feeding him!!

My mom and I raised a baby robin. He fell into our horse pasture from his nest when we found him. I was amazed the horse and goats never stepped on him! We fed and cared for him for about a few months before he went outside. He came back everyonce and awhile for a free meal. Then just stopped coming. We hope he's still alive and thriving somewhere. They are really cute!
You wouldn't say that if you saw him with another robin, they fight to the death over their patch those little birds.
Here is a pic of our friendly red bird.....

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