Have You Ever Got Stabbed By Your Common Plecos Spikes?


Sep 3, 2005
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Well when I was trying to get my pleco out of my 20g I think it stabbed me on the top of my index finger because even though I didn't feel it after he was in the tank I noticed a fresh cut on my finger so I assumed he was what cut me. So if you ever got stabbed by your pleco tell us here and tell where you got stabbed and how bad the cut was.
Oh don't :no: I have to pick both mine and a new sailfin up on Friday, hence the post I made before about what was the best way....

No, ok, DO tell me, then I'll be ready to avoid their parry and thrust when it comes to my "Old Man And The Sea" adventure.
Tell you what, how bad the cut was or how I caught it without it thrashing around?
I've heard of Pleco "stabbings" but luckily it has not yet happened to me! I have been stabbed by my cory once.... luckily did not penetrate the skin deep enough to bleed.

Having just attempted to catch Nessie, I know I will never hold her. There's no way I'll catch her in my hand. They're not like dogs and horses, where if you look confident you can walk right up to them, I approached without fear and she did a 180* and was outta there with just a splash to remind me of where she had once been. :lol:
Well just take a large jar and place its favorite food in it then wait for it to go in it then pick the container up and there you have a fish.
yep - i got stabbed nice ly when we moved house...

he (see sig) was trapped in a corner - persuaded into a double bag for a quick transfer to the floor and his new temporary home in a plastic tub.

one flick and he was out through the side of the bag (via a new hole) I caught him as he fled. round the side (finger on top and thumb under him with his head and fins infront of my hand. he flared and thrashed sideways pinning the fleshy bit joining my thumb and first finger, firmly between hid body and the sharp boney front fin...

bled like a pig :X
I'm glad I didn't read this before I bought Nessie, she was already a big girl and they only had plastic bags, she punctured holes in the first bag so they double bagged her and I had to walk home carrying her like that. Had I known there was a possibility of her Hulking out and bursting through the bags, I would have been running home before she ended up on the pavement!
You mean this pleco actually broke out of the bag as you were running home and landed on the pavement and is still alive? How did you get it home without any water to put it in?
Oh dear lord no, I'd have had a stroke if she'd flopped out on the Wellingborough Road :lol:

I was reading that Smithrc's one broke free from a double bag and made a break for freedom.

Well, I carried mine home in a double bagged plastic bag - I didn't know they were into escapology the hard way, I'd have told them to wait and gone and got a bucket if I'd known that at the time!

I think I was lucky...so was Nessie, omg and I was feeling her through the bag, I had my hand underneath it and was feeling her powerful little body in amazement as I carried her, and at any moment she could have busted out.
yep :) one swish of its body and he was off.... thankfully he was still over the tank :)
try dora spikes. not pleasant at all. and im definately staying away from my pictus's spines.

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