Have You Ever Found A Jumper?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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:sad: I went to count my fish and I saw I was down one red eye tetra. I thought maybe my new big fish eat it or it just died. Then I thought maybe it jump out and my dog eat it. Today I was putting stuff under the tank. And there it was. A little dried up fish. I felt awful the poor thing. I thought maybe I could have saved him if I looked there first.

Well it was a sad site. I'm pretty bum that happen. I have an open tank no lid and this is the first time it has happen. I might get a lid or make one now.

Have you ever found a jumper did you save it? Or was it dry liken mine?
:sad: I went to count my fish and I saw I was down one red eye tetra. I thought maybe my new big fish eat it or it just died. Then I thought maybe it jump out and my dog eat it. Today I was putting stuff under the tank. And there it was. A little dried up fish. I felt awful the poor thing. I thought maybe I could have saved him if I looked there first.

Well it was a sad site. I'm pretty bum that happen. I have an open tank no lid and this is the first time it has happen. I might get a lid or make one now.

Have you ever found a jumper did you save it? Or was it dry liken mine?

I bought some coldwater loaches last year, they was in the tank for around 2 hours, i noticed 1 was missing, he must have been out of the tank for anything from 10 minutes to 40 minutes, flicked him on a piece of paper, back into the tank and hese still swimming around as we speak. That was with a lid on, but he jumped out of the small cable gaps and onto the floor.
i lost one of my female cherry barbs to this, i found the dried up body on the ground in front of the tank. i also lost an emperor newt (i think it was that kind) and never found the body, which is wierd because it was like 4-6 inches long
When I was moving my tank to a bigger one I was in the process of catching the fish when I heard a "doomf" noise. looked and thought nothing of it, thought I had dropped some water. Wasn't until I noticed the cat staring at something on the floor that I noticed a neon was sat there.

As I tried to get him he kept flapping around everywhere, eventually he landed on a piece of paper which I used to put him back in the tank - but his red was coloured on the paper. He was still alive when I rehomed in last month
Lost my beautiful red-tailed black shark :sad:

She jumped when I was downstairs watching a film. Came back two hours later to find an ex-fish. She'd jumped before but I didn't manage to save her this time.

My ghost shrimp is a great jumper. Has jumped a few times. Still going strong, though. Once she had started to march across my duvet before I found her.
Lost my beautiful red-tailed black shark :sad:

She jumped when I was downstairs watching a film. Came back two hours later to find an ex-fish. She'd jumped before but I didn't manage to save her this time.

My ghost shrimp is a great jumper. Has jumped a few times. Still going strong, though. Once she had started to march across my duvet before I found her.

I had a blue lobster do that across my lounge - really freaked me out! Its taken me years to have cherry shrimp after that experience!
Lost my beautiful red-tailed black shark :sad:

She jumped when I was downstairs watching a film. Came back two hours later to find an ex-fish. She'd jumped before but I didn't manage to save her this time.

My ghost shrimp is a great jumper. Has jumped a few times. Still going strong, though. Once she had started to march across my duvet before I found her.

She marched across the bed? Sorry that made me laugh.
I've lost a yellow wrasse to this (not fun to find my buddy on the carpet behind the tank)... always a good idea to have a cover for any type of tank that you may have

Ox :good:
I had this happen 4 times! Three times it was my peacock eel got him back in each time I think can't remember if thats how he died or not. The fourth time was one of my columbian sharks hes big around 10 inch's I though I could pick him up and hold him like I would a cat that I caught fishing. Needless to say found out I couldn't he put his two side fins back in my fingers you wanna talk about pain almost made a full grown man cry. My fingers throbbed for hours only thing that would take the pain away was to hold them under warm water. When that happend I got on goggle and seen what the best thing was to put on it and a lot of places I found said a lot of people end up passing out because the pain is so intense. I was picking out pieces of bone for a month. I got him back in though and he is fine!
:sad: I went to count my fish and I saw I was down one red eye tetra. I thought maybe my new big fish eat it or it just died. Then I thought maybe it jump out and my dog eat it. Today I was putting stuff under the tank. And there it was. A little dried up fish. I felt awful the poor thing. I thought maybe I could have saved him if I looked there first.

Well it was a sad site. I'm pretty bum that happen. I have an open tank no lid and this is the first time it has happen. I might get a lid or make one now.

Have you ever found a jumper did you save it? Or was it dry liken mine?

I bought some coldwater loaches last year, they was in the tank for around 2 hours, i noticed 1 was missing, he must have been out of the tank for anything from 10 minutes to 40 minutes, flicked him on a piece of paper, back into the tank and hese still swimming around as we speak. That was with a lid on, but he jumped out of the small cable gaps and onto the floor.

my tir track eel jumped... dog got him before i could.
i never had a fish jump out but i was at petco once and found a dried up fish under my foot...
and when i was buying my cories one jumped out of the net but luckily he landed in the thing they put the water and fish in the bag with. or when i was returnig my featherfin cat it was literally holding onto the net making it extremely difficult to put him in the bag he mustve just been hanging for like 2 minutes.
One of my bettas once jumped out of the cords hole on his tank. It probably should have been covered but it was only really small and about 2 inches above the water. Anyway, he jumped out of his tank onto the table it was sitting on, and then off the table and onto the ground. I was at school when this all happened so I didn't see him jump. When I got home from school I didn't even see him for about half an hour. I finally saw him just laying there on the floor and thought he was dead. I prepared to dispose of him, but when I touched him he moved a little. I quickly scooped him up and put him back in his tank. It didn't look good for him, but I had to do what I could. Considering he had probably been on the ground for a couple of hours I was prepared to loose him. But he regained health and lived to be 3 years old. He is the only fish I have ever had that jumped out of a tank.
I was tearing down one of my tanks and I had put my fish in a bucket with the filter going. I don't remember what I was exactly doing, but I was kneeling on the floor. I took the tank outside to hose it out and as I was crouching on the ground I face was really close to my knee and I notice something read on my jeans. Apparently one of my cherry barbs jumped out of the bucket and I smooshed it with my knee. I stood up and walked back inside so I could wipe a flattened fish off my jeans.

I felt really bad. ;___;
I lost an eel a couple of years ago - vanished completely, we searched all in and round the tank as we know they are good escape artistes but only found the dried up body months later about 3ft from the tank!

When I moved my current fish into the 6ft the tyre track eel swam happily into the net then leaped about 18" in the air and onto the floor (a fall of about 5ft!) and slithered around as we tried to grab him but gently lol. As you can see in my recent posts he is none the worse for his leap to freedom.
I was tearing down one of my tanks and I had put my fish in a bucket with the filter going. I don't remember what I was exactly doing, but I was kneeling on the floor. I took the tank outside to hose it out and as I was crouching on the ground I face was really close to my knee and I notice something read on my jeans. Apparently one of my cherry barbs jumped out of the bucket and I smooshed it with my knee. I stood up and walked back inside so I could wipe a flattened fish off my jeans.

I felt really bad. ;___;

my face at the use of the word smoosh :crazy:

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