Have You Ever Bought A Fish Thinking It Was Something And Turned Out T


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Apr 30, 2006
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Turns out after some research my Antennata Lionfish is actually a Devil Lionfish.

Any other similar stories?
Happens all the time. LFS' get stock in that they didnt order, or mistakes from their suppliers a lot. I bought what the LFS had listed as a "Watchman's Fairy Wrasse". Guys at the LFS didnt know if that was the right species, they'd never seen one before, but its what the supplier had it listed as on their invoice. These guys know their stuff too, both have been reefkeeping for 10+ years. Anyway, come to find out there appears to be no such thing as a watchmans fairy wrasse, and I still havent found a proper species ID for my little fish. He resembles a fairy wrasse, eats like one, and behaves like one, so he's definitely a Cirrhilabrus genus, but still no clue on the species :)
Well he probably is a fairy wrasse! We havent seen every species imported yet as there are thousands of wrasse, and some are very region-specific.

If it mimicks a watchman goby it could well be thought to be called a watchman wrasse.

Yeah, I was wondering about that too Ben. But he behaves exactly like a sixline so I'm pretty confident hes a fairy wrasse. Swims with his pectorals, expores everything, swims and sleeps in the rocks. Great little fish :D
Wrasse are funny fish, they can either be a great personality that constantly wants to know whats going on outside the tank, or they can be an utter recluse that stays in the sand or the rocks for the majority of the time, fooling people into thinking their wrasse is dead.


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