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Have You Been Bitten By Your Fish?

just nibbling so far, my clown fish though im expecting a bite from one of them any day now :lol:

and starim now tempted to buy a bunch of plecos, put it in a pond, and have people pay 5$ for a 5 minute session :lol:
Handfeeding my ornate polypterus an earthworm, still got the mark on my knuckle.

My brother got bit by my old oscar when I also asked it a worm, drew blood, not massive but he jumped quite abit.
No, but I have been spiked by one of my clown loaches. Despite the lengthly time spent looking inside it, I accidently took an ornament out of the water when he was still inside. I put it on the floor and he came out. Understandably he was a bit stressed and the suboccular spine was raised. I carefully picked him up to put him back in the tank and got spiked >.<

I kinda deserved it and he didn't draw blood. The ornament in question has been banned from entering the tank again XD
ive had one of my old oscars latch onto my finger to the point where i withdrew my hand from the tank and he still held on i had to tickle/trance him to get him off
My Angel, Gouramis' Sev's and parrot all eat right out of my hand when they've finished with the food they usually try taking a bit of my finger :lol:
Ive been nibbled by my fish but none are big enough to do any harm. I have still got scars from where i got bit by a pike when unhooking it.
My arms are covered in freckles that must look like flake food... every fish in my old tank (barbs, danios, tetras) would come and try to feast on me every time I cleaned the tank. It made me jump the first few times, but I got used to it, and it made me kinda happy after a month or so...
The Endlers always nibble during a tank clean, the Malawi's will nibble and try to bite but I watch some of them very carefully as some have teeth, not yet been caught. Was attacked by my male Gouramie many years ago (RIP fella) when he had his first spawn and I hadn't been aware he had it. I put my hand in to sort out the plants (it was heavily planted) and he just went bonkers. :shout: Gave me quite a fright. :lol: He lived with 4 females and was never seperated from them even with babes in the tank. Sadly one of his own sons was missed on removal (looked female) and they had a fight. He hit his head and started having fits. Eventually they killed him. :-( Loved that fish. :sad: Still have one of his daughters tho. She's the last of the line, except those that went to new homes. No clue what happened to them. *sigh*
Sorry, I have strayed from the topic. :blush:

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