Have Read Much, And Have Many Questions.


May 19, 2006
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Melbourne Australia
Ok, as some have you might of read, when i start my marine im going to be using a 100L(23Gallon) tank.

Now, having read all this site has pinned, and many startup threads(thanks SH, Mr Miagi, Mj32, Akillez), i now have many questions wrt to setup information. I am planning to save my money to the point that i can buy the equipment i require from the start, rather than build up to it. I do understand the concept of long maturation period.

I am located in Melbourne Australia, and i find it extremely difficult to find places that stock much live rock, or snails/ inverts for the cleanup crew. I also find that the 4 LFSs i have been to are all but one non concerned about the apstia living in their tanks(i just dont think they get that it is a coral killer). Can anyone who is over here suggest a good Shop in melbourne, or failing that, a good online buying for these sort of items within Australia?.

Next question: The Sump
Having read through various methods and ideas i have decided that a sump will be most prudent. Just wondering about the size however: would a 30L Sump be excessive? Also for sump filtration is it reasonable to use LR and Macro?. More about the design at a later date.

Next: The Lighting
To say the least, compared to the cool stuff you can get in the US Australian corals seem to be limited, but this may just be due to not finding the right place. Fish round here are also not as diverse in range, however they are all healthy. Again with the Aussie Mail order?. But back to lighting: is going to a high form of lighting going to be an issue for soft corals etc as i build up. I plan for my lighting to eventually cater for hard corals and am not sure about overexposure. The tank is 18" deep. What sort of wattage am I looking at needing, and can anyone suggest the most appropriate type(my freshie has T5s so i do know and can get them).

Next: The Stocking
Ideal Fish(Possible Fish that i would like to have, but not all only so much as my tank is not overstocked):
A Dwarf Lionfish(Dendrochirus brachypterus or possibly another small variety ive found, ill try to get the exact scientific name)
Clownfish(1 or pair)
Goby of some description(I do like the Blue) possibly with a Shrimp pairing if i can find.
Mandarin?(Again have heard contrasting reports on this little beastie).

Out of these which combinations COULD work: Are there any other fish that may be suitable if a combination with the lionfish did not work?

Next: The Cleanup crew
What would constitute a good(broad spectrum general) Cleanup Crew for a tank of this size.

Next: Refractometer
Does anyone know where to get these in australia?

Next: Pumps/Circulation
What Models of pumps are out there: Id be guessing that 125G/hr powerhead/s would be the go, but correct me if im missing the point here.

Next: Skimmer
What sort of options do i have for this device: any brands to be wary of? can it be done DIY?

Ok i think this is everything i can think of thats plaguing my mind(besides exams) with regard to setting up a Marine system, any help would be much appreciated.
I'm in the UK so no idea about some of the questions, Mr Miagi is probably your best bet for the Australia specific ones.


Bigger is better, 30L is less than 10G and on the small side IMO.


If you can get / afford metal halide lighting, then you will basically have future proffed your tank. Failing that, T5 power compacts will be fine for soft corals as a starter. I'm using 72W (50/50 daylight / actinic) and my soft corals are doing well.

The Stocking

Forget the lionfish unless you only want that fish in the tank. They'll eat any other fish you could safely put in your nano. Forget the Mandarin, general rule is only in a mature tank of 75G+, unless that is, and this is highly unlikely, it will 100% definitely take frozen foods. The other fish would all be fine.

The Cleanup crew

I have:

Snails - Astreas x 6, Nerites x 4, Nassarius x 6, Turbo x 2
Crabs - Blue legged hermit x 2, Red legged hermit x 1, Blue knuckle x 1, Emerald x 1

Mine is probably a little heavy on CC at the moment, but should give you some ideas.

Next: Pumps/Circulation

Not sure what you can get in Australia, but really you should aim for above 20x water circulation, so more like 460GPH.

Next: Skimmer

Personally I use a Red Sea skimmer driven by a air pump. I know this isn't the most effective out there but again the best option will probably depend on what you can get over there.
I agree with everything @ombomb said, but I'd like to elaborate a little on lighting. For a mere 18" deep nano tank, Power Compact lighting should be able to support most corals, period. You might have some trouble with milliporas or encrusting monti's, but even those really demanding corals should be fine under PC lights. If you can't get PCs in Melbourne, you could alternatively cram as many T5s as you could into the hood :)

Metal Halides on the other hand are great lights but their cost, power consumption, and heat creation lead me to reccomending them only with great care. The quality and punch of the light is unequaled, but if you're not prepared for the drawbacks, you can get into trouble.
I am located in Melbourne Australia, and i find it extremely difficult to find places that stock much live rock, or snails/ inverts for the cleanup crew. I also find that the 4 LFSs i have been to are all but one non concerned about the apstia living in their tanks (i just dont think they get that it is a coral killer). Can anyone who is over here suggest a good Shop in melbourne, or failing that, a good online buying for these sort of items within Australia?.

Do a searh for "MASA" or "MASAOV". MASA stands for the Marine Aquarium Society of Australia, and MASAOV stands for the Marine Aquarium Society of Victoria. They are really nice guys/girls, who will help you out (ie. sell you you macro, frags etc.) and really give you the low down on the best LFS's to go to in Melb. Im in Adelaide, so a bit far away to offer any assistance there. Theres even a locla meet coming up, a trivia night get together I think. :p

Im sure they do understand its a coral killer/damager (aiptasia) but an LFS has too much to do, and not enough time to worry about killing aiptasia, and if they were to kill them for you, they would charge you more for the rock. What would you prefer LOL. Its up to the aquariast to look for and eliminate any baddies, not the LFS.

Next question: The Sump
Having read through various methods and ideas i have decided that a sump will be most prudent. Just wondering about the size however: would a 30L Sump be excessive? Also for sump filtration is it reasonable to use LR and Macro?. More about the design at a later date.

A 30g sump is fine for a nano, not too small at all, go for the biggest you can. :D Yep, its reasonable to use LR and macro, just harvest the macro, so it does act as a nutrient export.

Next: The Lighting
To say the least, compared to the cool stuff you can get in the US Australian corals seem to be limited, but this may just be due to not finding the right place. Fish round here are also not as diverse in range, however they are all healthy. Again with the Aussie Mail order?

Aus corals and fish arnt limited. Again, have a look at some guys tanks here and youll see what I mean. We can beat any US tank hands down if you know where to look. As you "get in the game" as such, youll get to know when the local LFS's orders arrive, so make sure your at their door step like a seagul is there when you get your fish and chips un-wrapped! :lol: I know my two closest LFS's get their orders in every thursday. Corals are out by friday, and the good colours are gone that day. Build up a good friendship with your LFS and youll be in the game in no time, LOL. (I frequently cruise the QT tanks at my local LFS now).

See below for a list of online suppliers around Aus.

Next: The Stocking
Ideal Fish(Possible Fish that i would like to have, but not all only so much as my tank is not overstocked):
A Dwarf Lionfish(Dendrochirus brachypterus or possibly another small variety ive found, ill try to get the exact scientific name)
Clownfish(1 or pair)
Goby of some description(I do like the Blue) possibly with a Shrimp pairing if i can find.
Mandarin?(Again have heard contrasting reports on this little beastie).

As said, the lion is really going to hurt your stocking on the tank. I somewhat regret getting mine. Its limiting, which means no shrimps, no goby, no mandarin. :no: I know the combo I would choose now. :D The clowns should be OK in short term, alone with a lion, but they need to be of considerable size, and you need to make sure your lion IS a dwarf. Plus, the lionfish would need to be moved on into a larger tank than the 23g eventually, possibly to a 30+.

Next: Refractometer
Does anyone know where to get these in australia?

http://www.angelfish.com.au/ <<<< HAve the BEST LR ive seen, and they come highly recomended by many who use RTAW (another google search for you).
http://www.aquariumproducts.com.au/ <<< The cheapest guy around, huge range, and BEST price on postage.

I have not added links to any live stock suppliers, only the most popular online dry goods suppliers I know ATM.
*falls off chair*
Whoah, thanks Mr Miagi for all that advice, and those others who replied...*jaw drops* I never realised all these online places existed: type it into google and all i got was those damn spam sites. As for LFS, thanks to the MASAV ive found a couple of other places to look, but those online places sure sound good. I agree with the assessment of that LR, the pictures look simply awesome.

Well back to more study of all this, have decided on miagi's advice to avoid lionfish due to limiting factor: Not abandoning the clown or clowns though, they make my heart melt. Will keep you updated on planning etc.
Glad we could help :). Clowns are an awesome fish, and perfectly suited as a first addition to your tank. You wont be dissapointed :good:
Glad we could help :). Clowns are an awesome fish, and perfectly suited as a first addition to your tank. You wont be dissapointed :good:


Wasn't keen on getting one at first, but promised my girlfriend as part of the bartering to get the tank OKed in the first place. Very glad we got one now, one the of most charismatic fish I've ever owned.

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