Have Questions After Researching Plecos


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2009
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Okay, as with cories, I'm sure it varies, but for plecs that mature at under 8 inches, how HIGH should the tank be? I would prefer to get a shorter tank with a very large footprint, but do plecs need the vertical space? Also, are there any plecs I (as a newbie to plecs) should avoid? I would like a community tank with all non-aggressive fish, so I don't want any fish eaters.

From what I understand there are at least some plecs that eat algae but need other foods and bogwood? Is there any other kind of wood they eat? I also understand that some eat plants and dig up plants, and that some are omnivores? But when they say "omnivore" do they mean if the fish gets hungery it'll scout out and attack a tank mate? Or will it eat fish that may die, fry, fish smaller than it, or some form of meat that I feed it? I've also heard that it just sometimes depends on the plec whether or not it'll bite/eat fish.

I'm in the process of reading through and researching the list pinned at the top of the forum, so I'm aware that it's there, but it's a fairly large list with a lot of beautiful plecs on it. Any suggestions for peaceful, under 8 inch plecs that would go good with guppies, platys, dwarf gouramis, glowfish/danios, and a two or three different shoals of cories in a 55 gallon, sand substrate tank with good filtration (but not an overly powerful flow)? I'm not sure if I'll plant it as the tank will be in the basement so there's an issue of light, but if I get plecs, it'll have the wood they need.

Any help is appreciated!
Okay, as with cories, I'm sure it varies, but for plecs that mature at under 8 inches, how HIGH should the tank be? I would prefer to get a shorter tank with a very large footprint, but do plecs need the vertical space? Also, are there any plecs I (as a newbie to plecs) should avoid? I would like a community tank with all non-aggressive fish, so I don't want any fish eaters.

From what I understand there are at least some plecs that eat algae but need other foods and bogwood? Is there any other kind of wood they eat? I also understand that some eat plants and dig up plants, and that some are omnivores? But when they say "omnivore" do they mean if the fish gets hungery it'll scout out and attack a tank mate? Or will it eat fish that may die, fry, fish smaller than it, or some form of meat that I feed it? I've also heard that it just sometimes depends on the plec whether or not it'll bite/eat fish.

I'm in the process of reading through and researching the list pinned at the top of the forum, so I'm aware that it's there, but it's a fairly large list with a lot of beautiful plecs on it. Any suggestions for peaceful, under 8 inch plecs that would go good with guppies, platys, dwarf gouramis, glowfish/danios, and a two or three different shoals of cories in a 55 gallon, sand substrate tank with good filtration (but not an overly powerful flow)? I'm not sure if I'll plant it as the tank will be in the basement so there's an issue of light, but if I get plecs, it'll have the wood they need.

Any help is appreciated!

i think you mean volume
not foot print
Hi there,

A Bristlenose would be quite happy with all those tankmates and they would eat any algae on your tank glass etc. They also rasp on bogwood so you would need to put some in your tank and supplement with alagae wafers. Another possibility is the Tiger Plec or the Leopard Frog plec. They aren't so keen on eating the algae off the tank so you would need to give them a varied diet. I feed my plecs on hikari alage wafers, courgette, peas and treats of prawn. Others have used potatoes and lettuce succesfully. When they say ominvore it is referring to needing things like bloodworm, daphnia , prawn etc in their diet. None of these have shown any desire to eat any of my tankmates!

Good luck and let us know what you decide on.

you are correct as far as footprint being more important than volume or depth,most plecs rarely leave the bottom of the tank so fairly shallow tanks are fine.

the main ones i would avoid are any that grow huge, commons, gibby's, royals, large pseudacanthicus etc.

BN's are always a good starting point. As said above, they are one of the better ones for grazing on algae, although some will be more effective than others, some males can get lazy as they mature so i would never rely on any plec to keep the tank clean, and always think of the algae as a suplement to their regular food rather than vice versa.
I would prefer to get a shorter tank with a very large footprint, but do plecs need the vertical space? Thats fine Plecos are bottom dwellers so they like to have the most room on the bottom. SO larger footprint is better then tall.

Also, are there any plecs I (as a newbie to plecs) should avoid? stick with plants with Thick leaves like Anubias. Nothing too thin that they could damage when rasping on.

From what I understand there are at least some plecs that eat algae but need other foods and bogwood? Is there any other kind of wood they eat? The bristle nose plecos and bulldog pleco are good Algea eaters. Yes wood is a must they love it. Also feed algea waffers and they will get left overs too.

I also understand that some eat plants and dig up plants, and that some are omnivores? they don't dig up plants they way a cichlid will. its just when they get big that tail can move stuff around. They don't eat plants.

But when they say "omnivore" do they mean if the fish gets hungery it'll scout out and attack a tank mate? OMNIVORES eat both meat and plant matter. Carnivores are the ones that need meat and could go after weak fish. These are scavengers not preditors so they normaly should not be a problem.

Or will it eat fish that may die, fry, fish smaller than it, or some form of meat that I feed it? I've also heard that it just sometimes depends on the plec whether or not it'll bite/eat fish. A BN pleco is safe with small fish they don't bite they suck.

Any suggestions for peaceful, under 8 inch plecs?. MY love the Bristel nose pleco or bulldog plecos would be perfect for your tank. I have a BN pleco in all 3 of my tanks I just love them to bits.

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