Have My First Set Of Babies Today!


New Member
Oct 20, 2007
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Well last night I noticed one of my guppys isolating herself with a few males following her around. So I put her in the breeder and woke up this morning and noticed she had given birth to a few fry. Over the next couple of hours she continued to have some more. I counted 11 and seen one swim up next to the mother and unfourtunately got eaten. Is 11 a normal amount b/c she was in there all night and all morning and never had anymore. Did I take her out prematurely or is this a normal number? Also, can I expect her to have more in 28 days? Or will it just depend? I wanna be sure b/c a few family members are wanting some of them and would like to have more!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
This is a normal number, though sometimes the female will eat any that pop up, so you could have had a hundred, and the female just ate 89 of them :p
She will drop in another month if you have males in the tank that actually mate (my male doesnt actually mate with my females)
My guppies have had anywhere between 5-18 sometimes some of the fry do die though.
When I've asked questions here I've been told as she gets more experienced she will have more babies.
They are great to watch aren't they, and I love seeing them change colors :rolleyes:
When fed well and kept in good healthy my large females can drop 25 - 40 fry and they are still only on their 3rd or 4th births. I remember when I was a kid my guppies giving birth to huge broods probably over 50, but I was only 9 or 10 at the time lol. First drops I rarely see more than 20, sometimes as few as 5.
This is a normal number, though sometimes the female will eat any that pop up, so you could have had a hundred, and the female just ate 89 of them :p
She will drop in another month if you have males in the tank that actually mate (my male doesnt actually mate with my females)

Thanks you guys! I've got 2 others that are pregnant and look like they are due any day now. I'm in the process of setting up another tank to put the fry in until they big enough. Or to put the pregnant mommy in, haven't decided yet. Which should I do? I also considered making it a tank of just semi-aggresive fish. Oh well, I'll think of something! Thanks again!
Put the fry in there. Then when the female drops again, put the new set of fry in there. As simple as that lol. But there is not point in putting the female in there, because you are pretty much just wasting space :D
that is a good number of babies. sometimes there's only 3! it depends on how much the mother guppie ate. you should move her out as soon as possible next time before most of the guppies get glupped down to the mothers tummy! ;)

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