Have My Bolivian Rams Paired Up?


Fish Crazy
Aug 9, 2008
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Hi, I have two Bolivian Rams, I believe they are one of each sex - though we aren't entirely sure. Their caudal fin do appear to be different to each other.

The are always together. So I am wondering; have they paired up? Will two Rams of the same sex stick together in the tank, or will only opposite sexes stick together? They literally follow each other everywhere...
They may well have paired up, although two females will tend to stick together without the presence of a male. Two males however, in my limited experience with boliv's tend to pick their own territory and do not stay with each other.

How long have you had them? The best way to tell if they are going to lay eggs, is they will usually pick a spot, usually a rock or flat surface and spend time cleaning that area by fanning it with their tails.

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