Have I made a mistake - Fluval external cannister filter hose question


New Member
Nov 18, 2022
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Evening all, setting up my new Fluval Siena 330 and think I may have made a stupid mistake. The tank has through tank connectors on the bottom to connect to the cannister filter. The bottom of that connector is a simple rigid hosetail.

The Fluval 407 came with a flexible hoses that have grey soft rubber connectors on each end to connect the cannister filter to the tank connector hosetails.

I thought that the flexible hoses were really too long as they were bending so badly that it even put a u-bend in the hose which I thought might have an impact on flow to and from the filter. So I cut one hoe to length before realising that the soft grey rubber connecters are fused on and will not come off, so I can't take the grey connector off and re-attach it to my cut end of flexible hose.

So I now have the cut flexible hose and the rigid hosetail to connect it to without the soft grey rubber connector.

Can I salvage this by warming the end of the flexible hose in hot water so that it slides over the hose tail and then use a standard hose clip to tighten the connection? Would this be water tight or do you think I need to replace the entire hose part that I cut in two?

Thanks for any help, it would be hugely appreciated.
It's now like this.
I'm not familiar with tanks that already have holes drilled for canister filters, usually the drilled hole is a return / intake pipe for a sump filter.

But looking at the pictures, those clamps should be good enough to not let any water through.
Just as an FYI- wherever I uses hoses on tanks they get hose clamps. The fastest way to a flood is when a hose detaches and they do that now and then. I have 3 canosters and they are have an unbline heater as well. I have hose clamps on the in and out of the filter, the inline heater and then where the untak tube and the spraybar attaches to the hoses.

I was taught to do this by a gent who had over 50 years in the hobby.
Screw clamps such as used should be fine but can have sharp edges which can eventually pierce the hose if flexed. While this type of clamp is probably better than spring clamps as to giving an even seal the edges should be filed to remove any sharpness. An emery board works quite well for this. If you don't know what an emery board happens to be ask any woman you know as they probably use on their finger nails. They are also great for removing sharp edges from decorations in a tank.
Thanks for all the replies. I swapped out the Fluval flexible hoses for some aquarium tubing and I'm much happier with it now.

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