Have I Got To Many Fish In My Tank.


New Member
Apr 12, 2008
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OK, my tank has been running well and I have lost no fish at all since I set up my new tank about 8 weeks ago. My setup is as follws:

My Tanks is 6ft x 2ft x 2 ft
2 x 300w heaters
Ehiem Professional 2 Filter
Fluvel 305 Filter
1 Large Air pump powering 2 air stones

My fish are as follows:

10 Rainbow Cichlids
6 Mixed Molly's
6 Red Rainbows
4 Silver Dollars
4 Glass Fish
2 Pangasious (going soon)
1 Pleco
1 Feather Fined Cat Fish
3 Angels
5 Corys
1 Stripped Loach
2 Silver Sharks
2 Clown Loach
6 Stripped Fish (I cant remember what they were called)

I test my water weekly for Nitrite and Amonia and for the last 6 weeks they have been zero. I am not having any problems and the fish all seem very happy. My Rainbow Cichlids have even started to pair up.

So what do you think, too many fish? I only want to know so I can prevent any possible problems later.

I'm noticing that there are many shoaling fish in in small groups, but otherwise things look OK to me :good: the Silver sharks and clown loach need groups of 6+, but to do this you will need to remove some.
I'm not shure what the striped loach is, but I'm fairly certain that it will need a group also.

Your stocking is fine except what the person said above. i'm glad to see that you are keeping fish like the loackes and sharks in a big enough tank.
while we are on the subject... i have a 4 foot with 6 cories,2 angles and 2 rams.... do you think i can get 2 large gouramies in there?
"while we are on the subject... i have a 4 foot with 6 cories,2 angles and 2 rams.... do you think i can get 2 large gouramies in there? "

I have always been told not to put Angels and gouramies together, I could be wrong and someone will point that out if I am.

Thats good to hear, If I get rid of the 2 pangasious, could I add more, ie clown loach and Silver shark, or am I at the limits of my setup.

Many Thanks

I think it would depend on the type of Gourami. Any type of laced gourami may be at risk from the angels. Others may nip the angels. There are a few that you could get away with.

All the best

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