Have I finished cycling yet?


Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone! I set up my 25 gallon tank on March 14 and purchased my first first approx 5 days later (yes... I know... BEFORE I found this website :whistle: ).

Anyway.... I have been doing daily water changes as well as testing of my water levels. After a serious nitrite spike my levels have dropped to :
amonia - 0
nitrite - holding steady between .1 and .3
nitrate - 10

do I need to wait until the nitrite shows at absolute '0' or are my current levels good enough. The info from my kit (nutrafin liquid test) says that anything .3 or below is accetable. Please advise! I really want to purchase my algae eater!!

thanks so much!

ps - any advice on which algae eater would be best suitable for my tank?
They say that .3-0 is acceptable and if you wanted to add 1 or so fish it might be ok, but i would be aware of the nitrite, nitrate lvl's because those are the ones least thought about when new hobbiest do fishing :lol: because if you add to many fish with out thinking of the ammonium that you are adding it might sneek up on you.

Its no sweat and the main key is good water so all in all 1-2 fish are ok if you keep a good eye on things

Alge feeders or bottom feeders i dont know because i am looking for some good ones myself.
Sounds like you are in the final stages of cycling. I know it's tempting but I would still wait till your nitrites level off at 0. Also try to test them as far away from feeding time as you can. However 1 more fish if they'r that low wouldn't hurt but if you can wait a few more days maybe a week you'd be better off.

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