Have I Cory Julii Or Cory Trilineatus


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I wonder if someone could help with id,i have tried to make a difference with my corys but still not sure,they're silvery grey,with a greenish tinge by their gills,what throws me is 2 are almost identicle in patterning and one is smaller and lighter in colour with more spots on forehead,i've taken endless photos which aren't brilliant as the little so n so's won't keep still,here's the best 2 pics...

Have i cory julii or cory trilineatus please...

yep you have C. trilineatus the julii are very scarce theres hardly any around
yep you have C. trilineatus the julii are very scarce theres hardly any around
They are C. trilineatus. Finally, after an almost 10 year search, I have obtained "true" C. julii. Once you see them there is no confusion at all. There is not one bit of reticulation. Just fine spotting with a barely visible lateral line.. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to have finally acquired these fish. I was afraid I was going to go my whole life without ever seeing them.

Pictures? Yeah, sure. As soon as I get a spare moment - sometime in December. lol. - Frank
Thanks everyone :good:

I still love these to be bits,they're awesome and very amusing to watch :good:

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