Have A Taste Of This.......

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
I have my brother in law visiting so I decided to do an oxtail “potjie”….. (as it is known)…..

I use a no.3 3 legged cast iron pot which I smear with butter and heat the pot inside the Weber over 4 or 6 hot coals…. (very slowly)


When the pot is warm & butter sizzling, I add one whole oxtail cut into segments


I add one 375ml beer and continue to stir this (to prevent it burning to the pot) for about 30 minutes to allow browning of the meat….. 500ml of port (wine) is now added with a few chopped hot chillies (from the garden)…… and the lid of the pot (and Weber is put on)


Every 15 minutes….. I add 4 coals to the fire below the pot…. And after 2 hours of simmering…. I add a layer of mixed vegies on top of the meat.


It is important to keep adding about 3 coals to the fire at least every 20 minutes and not to stir the ingredients…. After another hour of the mixed veggies…. A layer of whole unpeeled baby potatoes and onions is added with about 5 bayleaves and 8 cloves… Salt and Cayenne pepper is also now added (to taste)…..


30 minutes later….. the layer of mushrooms is added…


The lid is put on and left to simmer for another hour whilst the sauce is being prepared…. Half bottle fruit chutney, half bottle tomato sauce, 1 cup brown vinegar, half cup olive oil, various mixed spices 2 pkts flavoured rice, I cube beef extract, half cup (hot) curry powder all mixed thoroughly and added on top of the brew an hour after the mushrooms were added…


After about 40 minutes, the whole lot in the pot is stirred (for the first time) to mix all the ingredients thoroughly….. lid put back on…. Left for another 15minutes…. And we’re ready to serve….. (with banana and coconut on top when dished up)


These “Potjies” are very popular in SA and can basically be made with any type of meat….. even fish pots, Chicken pots, mixed seafood pots, Lamb’s neck….. you name it….. It always comes out very palatable…..
Dude address please :) I have some South African friends and I love their cooking so sign me up I'm coming across the pond. :)
Sounds delicious.

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