hatitain anemone

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this guy

Fish Fanatic
Aug 31, 2004
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I bought one for a fiver t o practise on. Thin g is it aint white it is purple with pink tips. Is this normal. I bought it like this. Should I have bought the white one thanks
Oh and i did not know how to place it so i had to hold it to plae it somewhere - would this have killed it

Please help I am really worried

well m tank has been set up for 2 months. It has 3 t5 white tubes and one t5 blue: ) The lfs said I could have an anemone and I took the one for a fiver as i did not want to spend money on one that would die. :)

But it is an hatitain anemone

not white tohugh purple

i bought the purple as I have white corals

it has a reddy pink tip

Should I have bought white

If you are purchasing this creature merely to practice on, what do you intend to keep if you are successful with this ?

I cannot understand why you purchased this Anemone. You have purchased a sun coral withut knowing how to care for it, you have stocked your tank without any cleanup crew and now you purcahse this anemone again with no idea how ot care for it. :S
It would have made far more sense to ask on here before your made such a purchase as we could have then told you just how diffcult these cretures are to keep.
Anemones grow large and providing it lives (which i have serious doubts) it will be so large that its going to endanger the corals near it. I havce made my views on anemone keeping on this forums many times and i feel very strongly about their care in captivity. I have one but it grew out of the liverock. I would never purchase one and certainly not to "practice " on.

As for placing it. The anemone will wonder all over your tank stinging everything in its path until it finds a location it finds suitable. If it doesnt find such a place in your tank it will continue to wander ovr your tank stinging everything until it dies :sad:

If i can give you the best advice available then its to ask on here before you make another purchase. You are their keeper and you are responsible for their welfare and health. Introducing corals and creatures that are far from beginners purchases is irrisponsible sorry. :sad:

Sorry if this is a little strong worded but i feel if you are to be successful in this hobby then its better to be honest right now before more damage is done.

I was told that they would be very easy to keep, and I though for a fiver it would be ok.

Will it kill everything, it seems pretty suitable in its position; it has dugged itself into a crevas in the rock.

there is coral nearby- should I move it.

I will ask next time and I apologise.

I alsoo purcased a rock with mushrooms.
Will I still be able to get a cleaning crew, or will the anemone kill them.

And how urgent is it that I purchase a cleaning crew
The anemone wont kill them as they can get out of its way. Its vitally important to get a cleanup crew. 1 snail or hermit crab per gallon of water is the minimum i would recomend.
ok. But as I said I am truly sorry. The grenn fluorescent mushrooms are a beaut though1 :)

I have put them quite high up but have read the prefer to be lower. Shpuld I put it lower down
At least you choose the right species to start with... sadly this means the chance of a clownfish hosting it is slightly above 0.
I had a maroon host in 1 but a purcula is very unlikely.. more likely to be eaten :-(
A clownfish eaten by an anemone :0! SERIOUSLY! It is only small.

Oh well :(

Should I do anything to keep the anemon e 'full' as it were to stop it from eating anything.

What can I do to help.

And are all anemones this violent! What anemone's host clownfish that aren't aggresive.

I wont buy one forever anymore

And what do you mean by choosing the right species?
U need at least 195 watts to have an anemone and they are extremely difficult to keep. U also have a sun coral which means that this tank is not good for either species.
Should I do anything to keep the anemon e 'full' as it were to stop it from eating anything.

Anemones dont decide to sting or not, its a reflex reaction. if you had given the anemone a whole shola of fish to eat and them let a fish swim near it, it will stil sting. Anemones have no eye and are very simple creatures. It has no way of knowing if its being atacked etc so if it touched something it stings.. its that simple. :/

What can I do to help

Do lots of research before purchasing something you dont know much about. I would wager a bet that if you knew what you were letting yourself in for when you got this anemone then you would not have bought it. Therefore you can save yourself more stress by researchnig anything else you want in the future. I can find nearly anything i want on the internet within a few minutes. if i want an answer from people with hands on experience then a forum such as this is ideal.
your right, i need to do more research.

I have talked to my lfs and they said they will take it off me next week :)

And my sun coral is under a rock, so not much light does it get a t all.

ANyway the sun coral is doing marvellously.

The rest of the corals I havr gota re just mushrooms and leather (beginners ones)

I am not purchasing ANYTHING for 2 months

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