hatching brine shrimp



I have 5 adult guppies, 12 guppy fry, and 2 corries. How many brine should I hatch to feed this many? Does nurtitional value change if you freeze the leftovers? How long should it take for them to eat them, I mean, They're so small that I don't know if the adults are getting full. Can you feed exclusively without harm? Lastly, should I turn off the filter when I feed cuz it takes them a long time to find them all. I think that's all my questions. Thanks
:fish: brineshrimp are only usefull for feeding to fry as they are so small.
You should not feed any fish exclusivly on one food, they should be fed a varied diet like us.
It should not be necessary to turn off the filters when feeding your fish as they should eat all the food in five minutes, if there is any food left after this time then you are overfeeding :D
I know you should vary the diet, but if you did for a whole week, would it hurt them from too high protien?
The fry need a high protien food. I feed my angel fish fry on newly hatched brine shrimp for the first 5-6 weeks of their life. They then move on to flake food.
:fish: It will probably make the either constipated or give them the fish version of the runs. :sick:
Over a two week period my fish are fed on:-
Flake,catfish pellets,algae wafers,spirulina flake, raw cucumber,raw courgette,raw potatoe, blanched peas,blanched broccoli,blanched brussels sprout,Live whiteworm,live grindalworms,live microworms(very small fry only),chopped prawns and greenshell mussel, hung in the tank for the fish to tear apart, they turn into miniature sharks :D

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