will hatchetfish school with its different types (say silver with marbled)? has anyone had experience keeping them happy in 2's or 3's? If i plan to add another top dwelling fish (say a pair of killifish), will they ever fight. My tank is a 35 gallon 3 footer and the fish include an angelfish, pair of kribensis, pearl gourami, 2 bn's and 3 non aggressive tigerbarbs. I am planning to exchange the tiger barbs for 10 rummynoses and 10 cardinals in the future. So will they all be compatible?
will hatchetfish school with its different types (say silver with marbled)? has anyone had experience keeping them happy in 2's or 3's? If i plan to add another top dwelling fish (say a pair of killifish), will they ever fight. My tank is a 35 gallon 3 footer and the fish include an angelfish, pair of kribensis, pearl gourami, 2 bn's and 3 non aggressive tigerbarbs. I am planning to exchange the tiger barbs for 10 rummynoses and 10 cardinals in the future. So will they all be compatible?