Hasseled Femaled Guppy


Fish Crazy
Jul 12, 2008
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Hi there

My poor pregnant guppy is being hassled by a male endler, guppy and molly.
Does that mean she is due to have her babys?

They chase her around so much she will just lay on the bottom for a while till they bother her again.
Should i put her in a breeding net for a while to let her get some peace or just leave them to it?
Hi there

My poor pregnant guppy is being hassled by a male endler, guppy and molly.
Does that mean she is due to have her babys?

They chase her around so much she will just lay on the bottom for a while till they bother her again.
Should i put her in a breeding net for a while to let her get some peace or just leave them to it?

when they are about to drop they like to chase them so they can eat the babies but the guppy will go somewhere by herself when she is about to drop if you put her in the net try not to stress her you could have premature babies but if you do stick her let her relax after she had the babies because she has sudden male company it might stress her a bit
Thanks, they seem to be leaving her alone today, she still not dropped yet but if they keep hassling her i may have to seperate to let her recover

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