Has This Ever Happened To You?


Sep 3, 2005
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Have you ever been getting ready to fall asleep or go out somewhere and you hear a splashing noise or something that sounds like a fish jumped out the water and landed back in the tank? I was just wondering if any of you guys have ever heard a splashing noise or something similiar and didn't think anything about it and went to sleep or went out somewhere and then came back to either a dried up betta or two male bettas on one side of the divider with torn fins?
No, if my bettas are in a tank with out a lid and I hear a splashing noise, I run like mad to see if they're ok...
Yeah same here like with my pleco I heard a splashing noise one time and then I looked in my long 20g and didn't see my pleco except for his tail which was where the filter output was so I looked at my power filter and he had somehow climbed up the output part of the filter and got stuck then I released him back into the tank. But a few months ago I had a paradise fish in my 2.5g and I was just about to fall asleep and I heard a splashing noise but didn't think anything of it. Then when I woke up I looked into his tank and he wasn't there then I looked by the side of the tank and there he was all dried up I put him back in the tank to see if he'd come back to life but he didn't :-(
Mine do it all the time..I think they are just entertaining themselves.
They do what jump out of the tank and land back in, jump into the other side of the divider and attack the other betta, or you found a dried up betta?
They are just breaking the surface of the water really. I've seen mine do it a few times. They just rush the surface and break it and come out a little bit. I doubt mine are trying to jump out really...there's a lid lol.
My bettas dont jump, or atleast they havent yet. I've had em' for almost 2 years ;)
I've come back to betta jerky once. It wasn't pretty.. One of my cats knocked the lid off, the betta jumped out and.. landed on the heater of all things. :X
Oh, poor guy.
Imagen what it must've been like to him.
To you it'd be like falling into cool hot lava...so hot your body starts getting burned apart, but you still alive to feel it, untill you finnally die...
To you it'd be like falling into cool hot lava...so hot your body starts getting burned apart, but you still alive to feel it, untill you finnally die...
Or, you know, like slowly dehydrating, since air doesn't burn fish... :huh:

I've lost a few fish to jumping before, they can wiggle out of the smallest spaces somethings. Many times my oscar jumps when trying to get my attention, which sounds like the glass lid lifting up an inch or two and slamming back down, water splashing, and then dripping onto the carpet :|

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