Has This Bin Done Before ?


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2006
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im not sure if this has been done before, but i know i have posted an article here before xmas about my convict and nic. eggs, this is their 3rd try, first time, the male never fertilised them. second time he did and " vlaademir " ( signature ) ate them, hes now bin moved and after giving them their usual water change and live foods, they have started trying again and i can see some eggs in a hollow bamboo thingy, the female pink convict is a whitish colour now and guards the eggs, the very brightly coloured male nicaraguensis always fights away the firemouths, in theory they are good parents and i am going to keep you guys posted on their acts, but im hoping i will get some fry eventually :)
hopefully they will hatch this time, from my opinion convicts breed with most south american cichlids so it probly has been done before, people on this forum hearing about it, well maybe that hasnt been done in many eyes, keep us updated on the babys growth once they hatch.
we are, but on all my diagnostics and when i evaluate his fish i do it from a neutrol and other person view to make my response more acurate ^^
haha big words :p
at the moment they are guarding the eggs, i was hoping for more response from people on here but i guess people dont care about a potential HIGHLY colourfull xbreed at any size between 4"-10" :p
did the eggs hatch?

if yes, are they free swimming yet?

i'd like to see some pic's of them when they get larger :)

haha big words :p
at the moment they are guarding the eggs, i was hoping for more response from people on here but i guess people dont care about a potential HIGHLY colourfull xbreed at any size between 4"-10" :p

ok you got my attention now. too bad you live in the UK. i might've liked to get some if you were in the US.

would they be able to go with a Jelly Bean Parrot in a 55 gal US with a common pleco (temp home for pleco)?
jb are agressive so no.
the juwel cichlids ate the eggs this time,
the parents arent really very good lol, they just keep trying. i know i will get fry eventually. il keep everyone posted. if it comes to it il even move them to antoher tank and then try.
well there in the same group, cichlasoma and for them to both be atracted to eachover....

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