I treated my gourami for ich with octozin because I have inversts and they cant tollerate any other form of medication. My cory cats meant I couldnt add aquarium salt to kill the ich.
Anyway, all went well and the white grains dropped off my gourami 2 days ago! (yay)
I have been told that ich can only survive for 24 hours after it drops off the fish so after a good 48 hours in treated water it should all be gone right?
None of my other fish have any symptons of ich at the moment.
The problem I'm rly having is that my nitrie/nitrate levels seem to be extreamly high.
I'm not sure if this is because I took the carbon out of my filter (fluval 2+ in my 16gal tank) and this has taken some bactera away or if its the octozin treatment that is making my water stats seem so bad.
All other major stats are good... Amonia 0 and ph 7.
Any ideas? I'm new to whitespot as i have never had any fish with it before!
Anyway, all went well and the white grains dropped off my gourami 2 days ago! (yay)
I have been told that ich can only survive for 24 hours after it drops off the fish so after a good 48 hours in treated water it should all be gone right?
None of my other fish have any symptons of ich at the moment.
The problem I'm rly having is that my nitrie/nitrate levels seem to be extreamly high.
I'm not sure if this is because I took the carbon out of my filter (fluval 2+ in my 16gal tank) and this has taken some bactera away or if its the octozin treatment that is making my water stats seem so bad.
All other major stats are good... Amonia 0 and ph 7.
Any ideas? I'm new to whitespot as i have never had any fish with it before!