has fin rot medicine messed up my tank?

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Hypan addict
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Wolverhampton, UK
I'm a newbie and made some mistakes before reading good advice on here. Tank been going for 6 weeks now and all water tests are perfect. Decided to add to my guppies but only quarantined for 5 days as they looked fine I plonked them in with the rest of my guys. 2 days later I get what I think is fin rot showing up. 2 of the new guppies have signs, one with torn tail and the other torn side fins.

I put them straight into the quarantine tank and used Interpet Fin Rot medicine and also treated the main tank just in case. I did this on Thursday and now all my plants have got a furry coating on them and the glass of the tank. The fish are all at the top looking very distressed with clamped fins etc.

I've had to take apart the filter in both the main tank and quarantine tank because the impellers stopped working and they are soooo slimy to touch.

Could the medicine have caused this? Have taken out the worst plants and I'm getting replacements tomorrow. Am really cross with myself on this one but just want to try and save the guys. The medicine will have been in a week by Wednesday but can I do a water change in the mean time and would it help? Or have I got the diagnosis wrong and something else is causing this! :dunno:

Any help would be appreciated

Water now very cloudy and all fish are at the top with very rapid gill movements

Have a Fluval 2+ in there (21 UK gallon tank with gravel and live plants) with the bubbles going full blast but they are obviously in need of more oxygen. Would an airstone help? There are 3 adult guppies, 9 x 5 week old fry and 5 neons in there

The furry growth is back on the tank walls again after I cleaned it yesterday with the magnet thingy and its all over the pebbles and plants and ornaments etc. Is it algae or bacteria? I had to pull the filter apart again this morning as it had slowed down again and it was all very slimy in there. I'm having the exact same problem in the quarantine tank which has 3 adult guppies in there

Any ideas anyone? :-(

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 12.5
PH 7

Tank 6 weeks old
Sounds like algae?

Water color is the cloudiness?

Maybe you can wash off the back of your tank with a scraper or something and then immediatly do a water change to get rid of the floating debris from the tank wall. Then maybe use an algae killer wh/ you should be able to find at some local pet/fish store. Keep cleaning that filter. Limit the amount of light you give the tank as well...maybe but it down to fewer hours per day...

Sounds like a weird situation though with the algae? coming out of nowhere....
Airstone won't help the fish much. They're more for your amusement than the fishes. Bubbles in the water don't offer much of an oxygen exchange rate. Surface agitation is where its at for O2 exchange.

Nitrate seems a bit high. Not cycled yet?
Water change/gravel vac doesn't slow it down any?

I wouldn't reccomend algae killer. While I've never mucked around with the stuff, I've heard grim things. Kills plants etc.

What kind of lighting are the tanks in? Coping with a summer algae problem of my own, likely caused by too much ambiant light in an over-bright place. Of course, I bought the tank to look at the fishes, not a tank covering towel, so I don't like to cover the tank to block light.
The nitrate is in the "safe" level on my interpet test so wasn't worried about it

a water change and the added airstone have helped loads

Fish all swimming around happily now although the fry are a little fragile still with fins clamped

The cloudiness was a milky white, but its almost gone now

Have unfortunately just found my male guppy in my pic dead :-( lets hope he's the only one

Thanks for the replies
If you've had a major algae out break perhapes limit the time the aquarium light is on. Put it on only for feedings and see if the cloudness and the algae situation improves.

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