Has Anyone Tried This Cycling Method?


Sep 7, 2006
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Seattle, WA U.S.A.
Let's say you have an established tank and you want to get a second tank cycled ASAP. Would this method work?

1. Take one of the established filter media and put it into the new filter.
2. Put the new filter into the established tank so you have two filters running.
3. Wait a week for bacteria to grow on the new filter.
4. Either put the old, established filter in to the new tank, keeping the new filter (with one established medium) in the established tank, OR put the newish filter in to the new tank, keeping the old filter in the established one.
5. Voila?

Thanks for you comments!
It may work-couldnt see why not-but you would transfer pollutants from the original tank . Use some bacterial start up, i got my tank up and running in 48 hours-far easier
I do this all the time, my breeding tanks have 2 or 3 filters running. If I need more tank space for growing out, I set up a tank & add a cycled filter. After fish are sold I shut down tanks, and add an extra filter to one of the running tanks.

Bacteria in a mature filter can double in 24 hours, I've never had a problem doing this.
i basically did this when i moved my fish tanks around. i kept about half of the orginal water and then topped if of with treatment tapwater. it is was fine.
Got a similar question so thought I'd add to this thread rather than making another one...
I have an established tank a camen 80 and I'm now setting up a second tank as I want to change the gravel in my main tank and plant it.
The filter will not fit in the new smaller tank so instead I've added a new fluval 2 filter to the main tank.
I've used water from the main tank, added a large piece of bogwood, tank decoration and a fake plant to the new tank along with a large fishnet full of gravel from the established tank.
How long do you think it will be before I'd be ok moving the fluval 2 to the second tank and adding the fish?


Got a similar question so thought I'd add to this thread rather than making another one...
I have an established tank a camen 80 and I'm now setting up a second tank as I want to change the gravel in my main tank and plant it.
The filter will not fit in the new smaller tank so instead I've added a new fluval 2 filter to the main tank.
I've used water from the main tank, added a large piece of bogwood, tank decoration and a fake plant to the new tank along with a large fishnet full of gravel from the established tank.
How long do you think it will be before I'd be ok moving the fluval 2 to the second tank and adding the fish?


-_- Can anyone advise on this please?


Got a similar question so thought I'd add to this thread rather than making another one...
I have an established tank a camen 80 and I'm now setting up a second tank as I want to change the gravel in my main tank and plant it.
The filter will not fit in the new smaller tank so instead I've added a new fluval 2 filter to the main tank.
I've used water from the main tank, added a large piece of bogwood, tank decoration and a fake plant to the new tank along with a large fishnet full of gravel from the established tank.
How long do you think it will be before I'd be ok moving the fluval 2 to the second tank and adding the fish?



I've got an extra fluval 2 in my tank at the moment too - so that I can transfer it across to a hospital tank when needed. I read somewhere here that it would be best left in there for 3-4 weeks to make sure it is well colonised by the bacteria before moving it over.

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