Has anyone seen it?


Fish Aficionado
Apr 16, 2020
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
Has anyone seen the movie Life of Pi?
I have seen it today, but not so much from the start but I have seen it before the ship sank.
From the whole movie I liked the tiger, Richard Parker.
The tiger has had me moved at the end of the movie, Richard Parker has never seen Pi as his friend especially after Pi has mistreated him.

If anyone has seen Life of Pi, what were your main thoughts about the movie?
weird and hard to follow
I will never understand your dark sense of humour. It is easy for me to follow the whole movie. Did you see how Pi has mistreated the tiger? Yes? It showes the truth how most people mistreat animals because the animals have no hands and can't talk to say they fear us or we hurt them. So next time if have something to say like that, please don't and keep it to your self.
That wasn't me joking, I really had trouble following the movie. It's the type of thing I would have to watch half a dozen times to work out what was happening. And considering how long it was, it's not something I plan on sitting through that many times.
That wasn't me joking, I really had trouble following the movie. It's the type of thing I would have to watch half a dozen times to work out what was happening. And considering how long it was, it's not something I plan on sitting through that many times.
Same with me, I have trouble following some movies.
I've wanted to see that movie.
I don't have a TV though (10 yrs now).
My friend does and she was going to get it for us to watch but then the virus...

I worry about the "side effects" of the virus.
Depression, etc... We as humans are wired to be with others and are suffering. Not sure about other places but the US is terribly ill right now. So much suffering and isolation and anger. Financial disease. So the sickness is not just the virus. We are one huge dysfunctional family. Just my thoughts. :(

I know that solidarity and healing is taking place, I don't want to ignore that. People coming together.
It just seems so hard to see.
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I watched the Life of Pi. I loved it. The messages in that movie were all really great, and there were so many deep and hidden meanings. I thought it was great.
Just wondering, at the end, when Pi tells two stories to the journalists, which do you think is true?
I watched the Life of Pi. I loved it. The messages in that movie were all really great, and there were so many deep and hidden meanings. I thought it was great.
Just wondering, at the end, when Pi tells two stories to the journalists, which do you think is true?
Finally someone says what I wanted to hear from someone else! I think with the tiger one is true definnintely. He says it himself.
That wasn't me joking, I really had trouble following the movie. It's the type of thing I would have to watch half a dozen times to work out what was happening. And considering how long it was, it's not something I plan on sitting through that many times.
If you have trouble following a certain movie, it does not mean the movie is weird right away.

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