Has Anyone On This Forum Bred Petricola?


Fish Herder
May 14, 2006
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Just wondering if anyone has successfully bred them as I have 2 adult females full of eggs atm.
A dealer of mine has used fish like Haplochromis Sp. "Christmas Fulu", "Rock Krib" and the likes as serrogates. Petricola spawn like Multipunctatus "Cuckoo" style by dashing in where the cichlids are breeding and eat their egg and replace it with theirs.

Also it might help if you had a male :good: . Just giving you a ribbing :D .
Petricola are not cuckoo spawners they are egg scatterers. :) and I do have a male :p

I've heard about putting a bowl of marbles with flowerpot over the top for a spawning site but as to what to do with the eggs if you can actually see them I've no idea.
Petricola are not cuckoo spawners they are egg scatterers. :) and I do have a male :p

I've heard about putting a bowl of marbles with flowerpot over the top for a spawning site but as to what to do with the eggs if you can actually see them I've no idea.

Well, seems like you have the answers and it handled :good: .
Noooooooo, I don't have the answers. I would like someone who has actually hatched and raised them to answer for some tips like 'no don't use a flowerpot use a so and so' or that's the best way to get the eggs hatched etc.

Guess no-one's actually raised them then :(
i have bred them a few times.im just waiting for them to get the whole thing down right before i start harvesting

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