Has Anyone Heard Of These?

well if your looking at DFS, then of course nano skimmers are hard to come by, DFS doesnt really have a large range of skimmers, look at aquacave.com and marinedepot.com. Tunze nano is what i would recommend, deltec has a HOB that had good reviews, but i forgot the name. And AquaC has a nano skimmer, but ive generally seen 60% to 40% reviews with the AquaC, good to bad respectively.
Heh, the Skilter. Claims to do everything, ends up doing nothing ;)
I dont know if I've ever heard a very good review of a nano skimmer before...it's a lot cheaper and just as effective to stay on top of weekly water changes. You could always run a sump to the tank which is what I would recommend doing to a long-term nano anyways.
All righty then I guess I should start those plans. This tank has come along way and will stay long term for a long while.

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