Has Anyone Had Any Problems With Rams?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
I read this on a website:-

The German Blue Ram, although a very exciting and colorful fish, has created some discomfort for aquarists. Many aquarists have complained of premature demises of this wonderful fish, most often within a few days or within months after introducing them to their tank. I had this very thing occur with my first German Blue Rams, despite being purchased them from a very clean and reputable LFS. Researching this fish has revealed that most of the German Blue Rams available commercially are imported from Asia, where the fish are injected with hormones. This process results in the fish becoming more colorful and induces premature spawning. It is often recommended that aquarists obtain wild caught or spawns from breeders.

Has anyone on here had any rams die very quickly? and has anyone on here had rams for a long time?

I have got 2 and i'm hoping that mine dont die young.
I was recommended Bolivians over German Blues, because apparently they're hardier. Never had a problem with the Bolivians, but have heard of others having massive problems keeping Blues alive.
i've had no trouble with my germans but i haven't had them very long yet. Anyway they came from a local breeder so i doubt they'll have the same problems as the mass marketed ones in stores.
Yep, i cant keep Rams. Its not that im a bad fishkeeper at all its that my tap water is hard and cant afford Ro unit. My lfs never explained GH to me 3 or so years ago when i started fishkeeping and so 4 lil Rams went to their doom :(
i just bought 2 blue rams 1 died ob the 4th day and the other is still alive

Yep, i cant keep Rams. Its not that im a bad fishkeeper at all its that my tap water is hard and cant afford Ro unit. My lfs never explained GH to me 3 or so years ago when i started fishkeeping and so 4 lil Rams went to their doom :(
i've had quite bad luck with rams - i can never get them past 6 months.
i gave up after two died.
Your pH is fine.

Rams are sensitive of water conditions, don't let the water changes slip :good:

I've had mixed results some I've lost within the day or week of arival, and some have lasted years.
my 2 i had was a male and female died they start breathing all hard and died water stats was good tho maybr cuz i got em from petco

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