has anyone ever...

I had a friend who had his figure 8 puff.... he was gravel vacuuming - not into a bucket but out the windo onto the grass....... apparently he didnt see it...... and it landed in the puddle... he quickly jumped out after it and rescued it..... he was puffed...... but didnt survive the night......
With the occasional exception, puffing is a sign of emormous stress, so amusing as it looks, you should hope to never see your puffer puff.

Our Target Puffer, Archie has puffed twice in response to coming face to face with Martha, our Fahaka Puffer. She was a tempory resident in his tank for a couple of weeks while her own tank finished maturing.

Martha didn't attack him, just approached his hiding spot (under ther filter), he puffed and zoomed away into the undergrowth.

Another member of this forum (Clare) has a Dragon Puffer who puffs if she's late with it's food!

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