Has Anyone Ever Purchased Bettas From Farmfish66?

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Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Urbana, IL
The seller has very good feedback, and the "sample" pictures of bettas look decent. $15 for a pair, OBO is great considering I've just purchased 4 on aquabid for more than that EACH, plus their shipping. I'm going to be getting an order in. Do you think I should risk it? I'm looking for an orange male, but he sends a female with it.

Makes me nervous to not see the pictures, but then there's no real guarantee that the ones I've ordered off aquabid will even be what I think they're going to be...

Here's the store: ebay link removed
I really wouldn't expect the fish you received to be quite nice as the sample photo, but if they weren't of decent quality you would see all sorts of bad feedback over it. And the price is great, so it's not too much of a risk... I say go for it.
Well, I know that one of their transhippers (linda olsen) is very reputable... and they have good feedback. Personally i wouldnt buy a fish without seeing an actual picture of it....... maybe try it once and let us know your experience. :\
The seller has very good feedback, and the "sample" pictures of bettas look decent. $15 for a pair, OBO is great considering I've just purchased 4 on aquabid for more than that EACH, plus their shipping. I'm going to be getting an order in. Do you think I should risk it? I'm looking for an orange male, but he sends a female with it.

Makes me nervous to not see the pictures, but then there's no real guarantee that the ones I've ordered off aquabid will even be what I think they're going to be...

Here's the store: ebay link removed

WOW that pink fish in the picture is stunning. What fish is it?? Did you ever manage to order the fish you wanted?
Woah, Ebay.com has some amazing bettas, and so cheap aswell!! I'd have snapped half of all the ones I've seen on there if I lived in the US!

Still haven't found "The One" for me yet on .co.uk but I'll keep looking!
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